How are prejudice and bias created?
Research round question: What do prejudice and bias mean?
This will help my inquiry question because I need to know the definition of prejudice and bias to recognize how they are created. How do we categorize the ways we misjudge others? What is considered bias and prejudice? Do they represent the same thoughts? This will help me find accurate information on how to find the origin of it to fix the common thinking process.
My next research question:
How can prejudice and biased opinions shape our environment?
I want to research what results in thinking this way. I believe they are harmful, but I want to research more specific global problems that resulted from this way of thinking. This can help me figure out what factors make us think of prejudiced and biased opinions.
Step 1- What do prejudice and bias mean?
- Some scientists think that we are influenced with prejudice and biased opinions after we are born. (1)
- Some researchers believe that our society shaped our biased opinions and prejudice opinions after birth. (1)
- Biased used to mean a slanted line in 1530. (1)
- Bias is off-kilter judgements. (3)
- Bias means a prejudice perspective towards something in comparison with another. (8)
- Bias can be favorable or unfavorable. Some positive biased opinions are remembering the happy you were when one gave birth instead of the pain of labor (2)
- Some biased opinions are negative like all blondes are stupid. (1)
- There are 3 types of bias: information bias, selection bias and confounding bias. (5)
- Information bias is an error where the researcher has a lack of accurate information, which causes them to study the information inaccurately. Therefore, having a prejudice perspective toward the topic instead of the correct topic. (5)
- Prejudice means judging someone or something without meeting or trying it first. (1)
- Prejudice is an unfair opinion because it is made without enough knowledge. (7)
- There are 7 types of prejudice: blind prejudice, cultural prejudice, ideological prejudice, irrational prejudice, personal prejudice, racial prejudice and unfair prejudice. (7)
- Some prejudiced opinions are helpful. For example, I believe seniors need help standing up, so I offer to help them. (1)
- Some biased opinions are negative like all blondes are stupid. Another example could be all (1)
- To fully understand the meaning of prejudice, we need to figure the definition of stereotypes. (8)
- Stereotypes is a widely and generalized idea to describe things or people (8)
- We use our biased and prejudice opinions so quickly because we find them useful. However, since we use them so often, it is hard to ignore them. (4)
- Bias has an affective component that represents prejudice. (6)
- Bias also has a behavioral component which represents discrimination. (6)
- Bias includes a cognitive component which represents stereotypes. (6)
- Kyi, T. L. (2020). This is your brain on stereotypes: How science is tackling unconscious bias. Kids Can Press.
- Bias definition and meaning: Collins English Dictionary. (2022). Bias Definition and Meaning | Collins English Dictionary.
- Definition of prejudice. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2022, from
- Tiffany Jana, & Ashley Diaz Mejias. (2018). Erasing Institutional Bias : How to Create Systemic Change For Organizational Inclusion: Vol. First edition. Berrett-Koehler Publishers (FOUND FROM EBSO HOST)
- Groenwold, R. H. H. (2013). [Three types of bias: Distortion of research results and how that can be prevented]. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde, 157(40), A6497.
- Sciences, P. & B. (2019, April 25). Understanding your biases. Psychological & Brain Sciences.
- Prejudice collocations | sentence collocations by cambridge dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2022, from
- Confronting prejudice: How to protect yourself and help others. (2019, July 9). PEP-UMT.
Hi Sarah,
I personally interpreted your eleventh point “Prejudice is an unfair opinion because it is made without enough knowledge.” is more of an opinion than a fact here. Is there a way you can explain how you concluded this opinion from the information from your source?
Hi Sarah,
I think your topic is very important to research about because it’s present in everyone’s life. I like how you used pictures and told us what this blog post was going to be about. However, I think it would be easier to read your post if it was written in paragraph(s) form, instead of a list.
Regarding the information, you mentioned that there are 3 types of bias, but you only explained one of them. I’m curious to know about the other two. Here’s a link that explains different types of bias:
Sofia B.
Hi Sarah,
I enjoyed reading about your question and research. Prejudice is something very serious in each community, and can affect people negatively.
I liked how you have bullet pointed your answers, making it easy to read and understand them.
A suggestion for your next research round, to research and understand more on how prejudice is created. What are its influences and how can we avoid it.
Good luck and I look forward to reading more from you.