
Blog #2- Project plan

Hi everyone! 

My inquiry question is: How do gender roles and discrimination affect our society?

To answer this question, I decided to research its impact on three different parts of our society; youth, the LGBT+ community, and immigrants. Of course, there are many other parts/groups in a society, but I won’t have enough blog posts to research about all of them. Therefore,  I chose the ones that interested me the most. 

  1. How do gender roles and gender discrimination impact the youth? In this first round of research, I will look at how different aspects of the lifestyle of youth are influenced by those factors. For example, I will look at social media, school, music, etc. 
  • How do gender roles and gender discrimination impact the LGBT+ community? In this round of research, I will look at how the history, activism and unity in the community are affected by those factors.  
  • How do gender roles and gender discrimination impact immigration? In this last round of research, I will look at how the process of immigration is affected by those factors. For example, how the possibility, the success and the result of immigrating to another country in affected by those factors. 

5 valid sources that might be useful for my research are:

I hope that by answering my inquiry question, others will be able to understand and gain more knowledge about gender and its impact in our society. As I mentioned in an earlier post, gender discrimination and gender stereotypes are more present in our lives than we imagine. Learning about them will help others identify them in their own lives, and therefore, challenge  against these detrimental issues. 


Sofia B.

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  1. Hi Sofia!
    I am intrigued by your inquiry question and ultimately curious about – How do gender roles and discrimination affect our society?
    Step one of your project plan outlines how you will be doing your first question on gender roles and discrimination on youth. I absolutely love this question and feel that it would be useful for you to show this information in a timeline form with data pertaining to this subject decade after decade.
    Below I have linked a few resources I think would be helpful!
    Good luck, and I can’t wait to see what you have to share!

  2. Hello Sofia, great post! The topic you have chosen is of great importance, especially in today’s world where western society is re-evaluating the roles of gender. This is a topic that particularly affects young people, as we are at a stage of growth, where we are still finding ourselves and our identity. This makes it so that youth, especially ones in the LGBT+ community, may feel ostracized or confused by the roles given to them by their sex. There are many different individuals who will never truly fit into what continues to be the modern understanding of gender, including transgender, gender fluid, and non-binary individuals. By analyzing age-old gender roles, as well as the discrimination that comes with them, we might be able to better assess how to move forward. I’m looking forward to reading your next post!

    Some resources you may find useful are:

  3. Hi Sofia.
    I enjoyed reading your post! Even though many women and LGBT+ people now have rights, there is still discrimination all over the world. Nowadays, particularly on social media, many discriminatory comments on people’s posts are justified as “jokes.” Also, in many countries gender roles are still not equal.  Nvertheless, I can’t wait to see what you discover with this inquiry question.

    Here are a couple of links that might help you:

    Mahdiya A.

    1. Hi Sofia,
      I just have a quick question! Do you think it is possible to completely put a stop to discrimination in gender roles or do you think it will always play a part in our society?

  4. Hi Sofia!

    I found your topic very interesting. The topic you chose is so important in today’s day and age and I’m so glad you’re taking an interest in it and researching it.
    I can’t wait to see what you learn from this project.
    Here are some links to articles that might be of interest to you:

    Good luck with the project and I can’t wait to see what you learn!

  5. HI Sofia!! I loved your topic because of first, the detail you put into the post, it is so detailed and very well written, but also the topic itself. Gender roles are so deeply engraved into some people’s mind that others are not open to the thought of something different. In your opinion, why do you think people are so against.
    I found this article about ideas that are similar to gender identity, I hope it helps with your research!!

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