
Blog Post #2-Project plan

My inquiry question: how are prejudice and bias created?


Step 1- What do prejudice and bias mean?


This will help my inquiry question because I need to know the definition of prejudice and bias to recognize how they are created. How do we categorize the ways we misjudge others? What is considered bias and prejudice? Do they represent the same thoughts? This will help me find accurate information on how to find the origin of it to fix the common thinking process.


Step 2- How can prejudice and biased opinions shape our environment?


I want to research what results in thinking this way. I believe they are harmful, but I want to research more specific global problems that resulted from this way of thinking. This can help me figure out what factors make us think of prejudiced and biased opinions.

Step 3-How can we avoid this way of thinking?


This is a very important step because by understanding how we can avoid it, we can eliminate these negative thoughts. As I understand why these ways of thinking exist, I want to help others avoid them. Before any research, this is a harmful way because we are over-generalizing people, instead of looking at them for who they are.

5 valid sources:

Implications to other individuals and my community:

This question is connected to other individuals and my community because it is a common way of thinking. It is a way of thinking that negatively shapes how we view our world and our friends. I want to help everyone in my community feel important no matter their race, their gender, their looks, or their age. I want everyone to be seen for who they are, not because of some prejudice or biased beliefs. As people realize how bias and prejudice are created, we can figure out how to avoid them.

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  1. Hi Sarah ,
    Im really curious to see what you find on if it is possible to completely eliminate bias. I feel as if it would be very difficult to completely avoid bias as we are taught it from such a young age and we are constantly surrounded by it not only in the media but also in our day to day lives. I look forward to reading your next blog post here is something that could help

  2. Hi Sarah!

    Your topic seems really interesting so I’m looking forward to your next posts! Maybe in one of your future blog posts you could also research if eliminating all prejudice and bias is a good thing? I don’t necessarily think that every bias is negative, or harmful, so it could be interesting to research that, and see what society would be like if bias didn’t exist at all! Here are some more sources that I think could help with your research:

    Good luck!

  3. Hi Sarah,
    This inquiry question is very intriguing! Prejudice and biased opinions unquestionably shape our environment, even though many people today try to eliminate these types of stereotypes, they still play a role in our environment. To be honest, I don’t think you can fully eliminate biased and prejudice opinions, but we can reduce actions caused from this way of thinking. Nevertheless, I look forward to reading your next blog post to learn more about this topic.

    Here’s a link that might help you with your first question:


    Mahdiya A.

    1. Hi Sarah,
      I just have a quick question! Do you think that we can completely end prejudice and biased opinions or do you think that is impossible?

  4. Hi Sarah, great post!
    I agree with you that bias and prejudices negatively shapes how we view our world and our friends, so I’m glad you recognise this and chose to research and learn more about it. Regarding your step 3; how long do your think that it will take to end this way of thinking? Do you think that our generation can end it? I think that we have bias and prejudices partly because we learn it from older generations so it can take decades for our society to change.
    Here are some resources on it:

    Sofia B.

  5. Hi Sarah,

    Your Inquiry question seems really interesting and I am curious to see what your research leads you to based on the great reasearch steps you have taken. A question I have is, Are predjudice and bias more commonly seen today or what it more common in earlier, more conservative years?

    A link I found that may help you with further research is:

    This article is quite recent and focuses a lot on how we can protect ourselves and prevent predjudice along with some statistics on who most commonly experiences it. I hope you find this link helpful and good luck with your research 🙂


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