
Blog Post #2 : Project Plan


Write A Project Plan That You're Proud Of (+ Project Plan Examples)

My inquiry question for this semester is Are eco-friendly products truly eco-friendly?

This is a question that I really look forward to answering as it can provide tons of insight into eco-friendly products in general.

Research Step 1 – Which major companies started the eco-friendly phenomenon?

By starting my research on the major industries and companies that created the phenomenon of eco-friendly products, I will be able to gather a ton of information on the true definition of eco-friendly products and why they seem to be everywhere nowadays. This will also provide some insight into the industries that “started it all” for the eco-friendly product market and what that means for future industries that may one day change their marketing to “eco-friendly.”

Research Step 2 – How will the future of eco-friendly products affect climate change and the state of the world surrounding global warming in the future?

This is a vital question and a key component in understanding eco-friendly products in the grand scheme of things. By examining eco-friendly products next to regular products, putting them on the same pedestal allows for greater research on whether or not the components of these products are actually as harmful as regular products to the earth.

Research Step 3 – How has eco-friendly marketing affected sales of companies who use this label to their advantage?

This question will ultimately determine the “why” behind the true meaning of eco-friendly marketing and whether or not it is actually helpful in terms of revenue. It will answer part of the question as to why companies use this label, and whether or not it influences consumers into thinking that eco-friendly products are the guilt-free way to shop.


5 Valid Sources


This question will provide crucial insight to consumers on what exactly it is that their buying each time they go shopping. Hopefully, it will be able to spark a change in these peoples’ mindsets for the next time they go to a store and see a green label on a package. My hope for this project is to hold major companies accountable for falsely advertising their products as eco-friendly by educating as many people as possible about the dangers that these products still pose to the environment. Making people aware of exactly what they buying on a sustainable standpoint is important in winning the race against time when it comes to climate change.



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  1. Hi Ava,
    I am interested in your topic as I am doing an action project on the toxic waste on the coastline. I am interested to find out which products pollute and affect climate change and the state of the world surrounding global warming in the future. Something you can talk about is which products are false advertised as eco-friendly. I think it would be interesting to discuss the different green certifications on products and how reliable these are. Examples of some I’ve seen are Energy Star (for energy efficiency), USDA Organic Seal (for organic products), Forest Stewardship Council (for products made from trees in responsibly managed forests), and Green Seal (for general sustainability). I think this would also make people aware of exactly what they buying on a sustainable standpoint.

    This is a resource I believe will be helpful, it goes into maximizing Building Performance Through Environmental Strategies

    I look foreward to reading more on your inquiry!

  2. Hi Ava!

    I love this topic you have chosen, it is a topic that really isn’t talked about much in the media or society however, deserves lots more of attention because it is essentially scamming us into buying products and wasting our money and being un-eco friendly and taking advantage over their oppurtunities of being a company. I am very invested in your topic and will definitely be checking out your future blog posts!

    Here are a few sources that can help you with your research:

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