
Blog Post #1: What impact does sex trafficking have on our society and how deeply are we affected?

This question fascinates me because sex trafficking affects so many lives, yet it is rarely talked about amongst people my age. I hear almost nothing about it in school and I think that is unfortunate. I want to bring more awareness to this topic and the people it affects. My first step is to start the discussion and educate my peers around the global impact of this issue. Through education, I hope to help people become more aware of the risks around them and how to stay safe in their communities. 

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  1. Hey Natalie!

    I think it’s amazing that you chose this topic because I agree that our age group hardly talks about it. I love your question because I think your research will educate many of us! To be more specific, maybe you could talk about groups who are the most at risk of sex trafficking? Like marginalized groups? For example, showing certain statistics could help display how serious this issue is, and why we need to learn more about it?People often get caught in the world of sex trafficking because they didn’t know what the signs, and red flags looked like, so maybe that’s something you could talk about in future posts? These are just ideas that might help you, but i’m excited to see what you’ll post next, good luck!

    Here are some resources that could help with your future posts (:


  2. Hi Natalie!
    I’m very interested in your Inquiry project for this semester. I love that you chose a topic that is significantly important especially in our generation with the constant use of social media. I definitely agree with you, and it is absolutely upsetting, that this topic isn’t talked about in school. I am glad you are deciding to take action and spread the word to your peers. The world we live in can be hard with issues just like this one in it, but with just one discussion and one voice you can make a small but mighty impact. Here is a link that can help you with further research:

    – (
    This article is perfect because it talks about impacts on families, from sex trafficking. Which can help you answer the deep impact portion of your question!

    Good luck with your next round of research!

    – Rhea :))

  3. Hi Natalie,
    Great inquiry question! The topic you chose is very interesting. In fact, I’ve researched quite a lot about it because it also fascinates me. Sex trafficking is much more common and closer to us than we think. I think that it’s great that you decided to research about it and share it with us!

    Here are some resources to help you with your research: They are a nonprofit organisation that aim to end sex trafficking. They have a bunch of interviews with survivors and have a bunch of information on it.

    -Trafficking of Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada

    Sofia B.

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