I decided to join this class again as I felt that last year I was able to learn some key factors that I probably wouldn’t have found out on a regular basis if I were to research them during a normal class. For example; Last year I did my topics on the impacts of growing up in a low-income family as an adolescent, and the effects of auto-immune diseases. Although they are completely different topics, I find that that is the reason why I have decided to take this course again. As I am able to explore topics of my own interest which would benefit my community, no matter how dissociated they are! In addition to delving deep into these topics and learning interesting statistics as opposed to just “doing” an assignment, I was not only able to learn and come up with answers but ask even more deep questions, ultimately making my research more interesting.
This year I am interested in attempting to do an action project, although I am interested in maybe doing a tutoring team with a friend of mine. Although I am not sure yet, I am excited to further the range and method of research I will do, as I did an inquiry last year!
Thank you for reading :))