I found out about Social Responsibility through the course selection sheet, and the knowledge of a friend that was in this course. I started to read what it was about, and became interested in all the ways I could support my community through taking the Butterfly Effect course. Therefore, I decided it would be a good idea to participate in the initiatives involved throughout the course, as the possibilities are endless for what I can do. I am very passionate about research, sciences and mathematics. For these reasons, the Inquiry project stood out to me when looking into the project options.
One of my passions is playing volleyball. I love volleyball because it allows me to express myself energetically, while being surrounded by teammates who support and believe in my goals. I also play piano to pass time. I am currently learning Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, playing at my own pace whenever I have free time. My main goal in life would be to pursue medicine as a specialist (preferably anesthesiology or dermatology), as I have always had a profound interest in mathematical sciences.
In my spare time I enjoy running. I started running about a year and a half ago, and it has been one of my favourite things to do since. The runners high feeling allows me to stay in tune with my emotions while getting in a good workout along the way. It is a goal of mine to run a marathon one day in the future and take my hobby of running to a new level.
If I were to solve any local or global problem it would be climate change. I am passionate about advocating for the future of my generation and those still to come about the dangers that humans pose to our planet. I want to be a voice for my generation to stop what has been going on for far too long, effecting the environment and human ecosystem year after year. I want to live in a world where animals are no longer going extinct because of threats to their habitat, rising temperatures, and deforestation that is all contributed to by human consumption. Green labels should truly be green, and people should be well aware of what they are contributing to.
To conclude, I am greatly looking forward to beginning this course as it aligns with many interests I have. I cannot wait to start my inquiry project and participate in fundraising and advocating for a good cause. Thank you for reading this!