In my free time (if I actually manage to find some🥲) I either bother my cat for obvious reasons (hes the cutest). In addition, Itend to do a thing I am actively doing while multi-tasking, and that is listening to music. I am that type of person that always have headphones on, and I do this because it keeps my subconscious mind busy, and I have found that it keeps me more productive. Music also relaxes my thoughts and I enjoy finding new songs, and artist to listen to! My all time favourite artist is the Weeknd, and I was lucky enough to attend his concert this year! (Best experience to ever have)
One of my biggest goals/passion is to be able to be independent enough that I can support myself. While the help of my peers, and my family is the best type of help I have, as I become older, I want to be able to figure/solve problems/dilemmas that I have myself, in order to create a stronger and better mindset for myself to be able to be independent in the future, and to give those who always help me a break! 😅
I thank all of you who read through this! I hope to be doing an inquiry question for this semester, and I hope that you all will be there to follow along my research and why I decided to pick the topic I did! (aka my cute cat 🐈 ).