
Blog #4 – Which Study Method is accurate/useful?

The question I will be researching today is which method of studying out of the retrieval Method, the Feyman technique, and the SQ3K is actually useful, and accurate for students, as I’m sure many of us have searched up ways to study and found something that we spend our time doing that does not actually work.

SQ3K – survey, question, read, recite, and review.

This method as researched (1) does seem to have good results, such as making students focus highly on the questions they are confused about, and pointing out the mistakes they have in order to solve the question they are stuggling on, and while doing that, this causes them to figure out the main subject that they need to focus in order to do well on an assignment, test, or quiz. This study method I did try out myself, and personally I found it to be very very time consuming because you have to do the work, do more questions, and review which was a bit too much for me, but it did indeed work, I was just very mentally tired to focus on any other subject. This study method, I will not use again, just because as someone who does also procrasinate it was just too much work, but it does work, so I recommend people with lots of focus and energy to use this method, otherwise it is too tiring.

Feyman Technique – a method of learning that bring out your potential and forces you to develop a deep understanding.

I quite like the feyman technique because you get the chance of teaching the subject to others, and that as we all know is 100% the best way to learn a subject, because if yu undertand it good enough to teach it to someone ex. in the forth grade, you can get great grades on a test, assignment, and quiz. (2) While researching more about this technique this method is known to be a self-assesment sort of thing, because if you can undertsand it well enough, you can explain it to others, therefore, you know the subject, but if you feel uncomfotable about that subject and think you cannot explain it to others, then personally you know when you need to study more on that subject, unlike just doing thousands of practices, and then thinking your ready, then not being ready. This technique is quite simply, for me it was easy, but it did not help me learn the subject more than I wanted too. The technique is fine, but it caused me alot of trouble for me to undertstand the subject in the first place, but once I figured it out it became clear to me, but it was alot of work to learn the subject I was trying to study in the first place, but definitely reccommend this to others, very good technique!

Retrieval practice – a strategy in which bringing information to mind enhances and boosts learning

I just wanted to mention that I did not like this method at all, I felt that on top of studying for something this was just too much extra work that I could have spent on other homework, and more time to study with other methods. But the method itself was just too much work for me, I feel you need lots of outside resources for this method so if you have that you will probably be fine with this method but personally, it was a pain to study with this method.

(3) Now because this method is constant practice, and constant work it will help you memorize, and learn the techniques better for a longer-term, which is quite helpful, but not a very good choice of time, as most of the time (%100 of the time) students have other classes they have to focus on, and this just does not work unless you only have 1 main course you are studying. It is a good technique for those who Like the subject they are studying because this technique will make you keep re-testing, re-reading, and re-doing question to the point where you are a genius at it, but with those who do not like the subject they are studying, this technique takes alot of time and patience, and personally for me, i have neither, so this is not a good technique for me at all! I will recommend it for people with patience, I’m sure it is useful for them!

Thank you for reading this week’s blog post, and I hope many other people learned about the effective study methods just like I did! :3


(1) fisher , D. (2017). SQ3R: Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review. AdLit. Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

(2) Eilers, christian. (2021). How to Use the Feynman Technique to Learn Anything Fast & Effectively. Good Wall Blog . Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

(3) Karpicke, J. D. (2009). WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT RETRIEVAL PRACTICE. Innerdrive. Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

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  1. Hey Negar,

    This is a cool topic, and it’s also very helpful for students! I actually didn’t know that there are names for different study methods, and I learned a lot from your blog. I also agree with many of your opinions on the pros and cons of the different study methods. I think that depending on each person’s strengths and the way their brain works, they will have different preferences on study methods.

    One suggestion I have is that you can ask some people around you and see what study method they use. Then, depending on what you know about their strengths, skills, and working habits, you may be able to get some results for which type of method works for which type of people.

    I look forward to more of your blog posts! Good luck:)

  2. Hey Negar,
    I completely related when you said most students have already searched for more efficient ways to study and various study methods. I’ve seen many youtube videos about this topic, and then usually end up going with re-reading my notes and then making a Quizlet or completing practice questions depending on the subject. Reading this taught me more ways to study and I’m sure it will help many other students too!
    I look forward to more blog posts from you, and good luck!

  3. Hi Negar, informative post! You’ve made some interesting points here, especially concerning the Feynman technique and how it virtually forces a self-assessment of one’s ability in a subject due to the teaching portion of the strategy. This is one of my favourite study techniques, particularly for concept-based subjects, such as math and physics. By helping fellow students with questions that they may be struggling with, you allow yourself to see how well versed and comfortable you are with the material. You also get to see what you know how to do, but might not know “why”, which can be an important part of full subject comprehension and help you find any weak spots in your knowledge. Great post!

    Some resources you may find useful are:,in%20the%20short%2Dterm%20memory.

  4. Hi Negar,

    This was such an interesting post! I never knew how many study methods existed, and I think so many people could benefit from them if they knew about them! Everyone learns in different ways, and we should be taught that there are multiple different ways to study. I’m looking forward to reading your next posts, good luck!


  5. Hey Negar,
    I am so thrilled that I read this post because I’m in desperate need of some improved study techniques. Something I had to learn is that you should work smarter and not harder since spending so many hours studying for a test might actually be useless from a few quality hours. I will definitely be using some of these techniques in the future! Good luck with your next blog post!

    Mahdiya A.

  6. Hi Negar,
    Thank you for writing this post, it was so helpful! I never knew there were so many different study methods. There are so many ways people learn and you did a great job highlighting them. I also related to when you said most students have already searched for more efficient ways to study and various study methods because I am one of those students. I look forward to reading your next post, great job!

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