
PA-MOJA week-Culture

A tradition is a transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation. A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened. Some family traditions in my culture include birth, initiation, marriage, and death.

When a child is born a big ceremony is held to welcome the child and also to thank and congratulate the mother for giving birth. Initiation is where a child is transformed from childhood to adulthood. In my culture, a boy is transformed through circumcision. When the boy is circumcised a big ceremony is held where he is given advice. He is also congratulated for being strong and welcomed by his age group to the next level which is adulthood. Marriage is when two people are married together such that they make an oath and promises in front of people. It is meant to transform people to be parents.

A great ceremony is held so as to witness the people being married. They enjoy and spend time together. Death is the end of the life of a person. In my culture, a ceremony is held when a person dies. This is mainly to comfort the family members and friends. The people also help in burying the dead. In case the dead had hospital bills, they also help in paying


A holiday is an extended period of leisure and recreation whereby most of the schools are closed. On my school holidays, I visit my grandparents and help them to carry out various tasks in the house. I also enjoy visiting friends and helping my parents to carry out some chores. At times I also help my parents in fetching firewood which is a source of energy in our home. At times I also spend my time with friends especially the youths of my church where we share experiences and ideas which are helpful in life. During my holidays, I also help the needy with what I have for example food and clothes.

The music that I like is Gengetone. The most popular for now is “Siku Hizi ni Kubad” by Mejja.Gengetone is a Kenyan genre that evolved from Genge. This artist is also my role model since I aspire to become a great artist in the future.

Some of the national holidays in my country include Jamhuri day which is celebrated on 12th December. It marks the date of the country`s admittance in 1964 into the commonwealth as a republic. It also marks the date Kenya obtained its independence from Great Britain in 1963. On the first of June, we celebrate Madaraka day. This is the day Kenya attained self-rule. On the twentieth of October, we celebrate Mashujaa day also known as Heroes day. It is celebrated as a public holiday to collectively honor all those who contributed to the struggle for Kenya`s independence. On the first of May, we celebrate Labour Day. It is most commonly associated with a commemoration of the achievements of the labor movement.

Some of the unspoken rules in my culture include sex. In my culture sex was not discussed in public. Boys and girls were taught differently during initiation. They were told to respect those from different genders. Those who engaged in sex before they were married were heavily punished and also ashamed in public. In the Agikuyu community when a woman was pregnant she was excluded to protect her and the unborn child from the evil eyes of visitors. She was also not supposed to talk to her husband directly but through the midwives.     

Post by: Nicole, Jackeline, Carol, Anngrace, and Naomi.



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