
Blog #5: Round 3 – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

My inquiry question is: How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

Being environmentally responsible is critical to ensuring a healthy planet. As I said in my blog post #1, spreading awareness to keep our Earth’s environment healthy and clean have always been a priority of mine; which leads to why I chose my inquiry question.

Consider this final blog an reflection paper on everything I’ve learnt in my inquiry project! I’ll be addressing the most important things I learnt about my topic and what I could have done better if I were to redo my blogs. 

What I learnt about my topic from research:

Understanding my topic thoroughly before I start working on my blogs was a must-do task for me. Though data is always available on the internet, figuring which sites provide reliable information was the real struggle from researching. Throughout the past 3 months of researching my inquiry question, it’s needless to say that I’ve gained some experience identifying between real and fake info on the internet. My go-to websites for research are all mainly made by established institutions, as my trust for those foundations is higher than random websites. 

What I could have done better if I were to redo my blogs:

Putting in my best effort for every blog is very important for me, but time wasn’t in my favor. One thing I would have done better if I were to redo my blogs is to focus on both the time I’ve been given to complete my assignments + putting in my best effort with researching and writing. My goal for next semester is to hand in all my assignments on time and do every assignment to my best extent. 

Tiffany yao

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