- Insufficient health care services
The causes of insufficient health care, which affects millions globally, are because of “political, social, and economic injustices in the world.” Many politicians and entrepreneurial members of our society use health care as a means for profit, lack of accessibility becomes an issue, especially for those with low-income(1). As a result, health begins to become less important for low-income families as opposed to other priorities like food and work, because of this the viciously selective cycle of importance of health and low access begins(2).
- Demand deficient unemployment.
What is demand deficient unemployment? Demand deficient unemployment is when there is not enough demand in the economy for companies or products meaning full employment is not possible. Because we live in a capitalistic society where our economy is owned by private ownership, all businesses are working for a profit, at a time of a recession employers will let go employees(3). In addition, unemployment is globally one of the main root causes for individuals and families who experience homelessness and low income. Without sufficient funds to sustain a living, many opt for shelters and other means of living which creates a cycle of Poverty(4).
- Lack of education
In Canada over 63% of people aged from 25-65 have obtained a post-secondary degree or higher education. With, the job market becoming even more competitive as a cause of higher training and skill(5). Although poverty has many reasons, some beyond our control, Education remains to be one of the higher causes of Low-income and poverty. Although in Canada we have universal education up until secondary school, as well as generous financial aid programs. For those who are not able to afford higher education or handle rigorous programs, education can become a hard topic. With a lack in training, individuals are more unlikely to attain jobs that have sustaining income, creating yet another cycle(6). In addition, those who grow up in environments that are discouraging, higher education can become an irrelevant topic with many students dropping out before finishing their high school diploma(7).
In correlation to this topic, pursuing higher education does not guarantee that you will experience low-income and homelessness and will not guarantee a high-status high-paying job, but it is also important to know that Education can create pathways for an individual and get them closer to a healthy and sustainable life.
In addition, while researching this topic I began with the main purpose of children in low-income families, as I dug deeper into a cycle which is far more complex and deep rooted into society then we realize, I “strayed” away from my concentration on children. Although purely unintentional, I believe that instead of “straying” I was able to dig deeper into generational systems which upkeeps a low-income cycle within families. Even more so, I was able to find answers to questions I wasn’t aware I had!! All in all I am happy to have chosen this topic and find that although there isn’t one strictly distinct answer for a topic like this, many of the questions which we do have strive for us to find other ideas which can help poverty and low-income experiencing families.
Thank you for following my journey!
- Roberts, S. R. (2018, October). Key Facts: Poverty and Poor Health. Health Poverty Action. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from https://www.healthpovertyaction.org/news-events/key-facts-poverty-and-poor-health/
- national health care for the homeless council. (2019, February). Homelessness & Health: What’s the connection? Nhchc. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-citation-generator/new/webpage/
- Pettinger, T. P. (2017, November 2). Demand deficient unemployment. Economics Help. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/1993/economics/demand-deficient-unemployment/
- Top 3 causes of homelessness in America. (2020, January 8). Seeds of Hope. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from https://lifebridgenorthshore.org/seedsofhope/2020/01/08/top-3-causes-of-homelessness-in-america/
- Giovetti, O. G. (2020, August 27). How does education affect poverty? It can help end it. Concern Worldwide US. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from https://www.concernusa.org/story/how-education-affects-poverty/
- Judy, L. J. (2021, July 6). Education in Canada – Statistics & Facts. Statista. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from https://www.statista.com/topics/2863/education-in-canada/
- Canada’s High School Dropout Rates Are Staggeringly High, According To Studies – Narcity. (2019, September 24). Pathways to Education. Retrieved December 9, 2021, from https://www.pathwaystoeducation.ca/in-the-press/canadas-high-school-dropout-rates-are-staggeringly-high-according-to-studies-narcity/