
Blog Post #3: Story Project Research

In my last story blog post, I have outlined the general form of my story and today I will be doing some research on the first half of it.

I would like to start off my research by looking at how you can audition for a tv show or movie. Instead of just searching for any roles to audition for, you need to be mentally and physically prepared for any future acting roles that could come your way. This way, you will become confident in your abilities and shine like a star. The second step would be to film yourself. Because you are going to be on TV, casting directors would like to see how you look and act on screen. You may not notice it, but some people look different on film than in real life. Or maybe you make a lot of strange facial expressions you have never noticed before. These can include excessive blinking, biting your lip, or raising your eyebrows. One of the most crucial things to do after the filming process is to watch yourself performing and give yourself feedback. Pay attention to the smallest detail because every casting director has a very sharp eye that is always on the lookout for the tiniest mistakes. Many people in the world hate watching videos of themselves, but just remember that it is for the greater good when you are able to help yourself and create a film to the best of your ability. The third step is to book an actual audition so you can showcase your true acting talent! There are many websites and resources to go to online to find auditions. It doesn’t take long, but make sure you are able to book an audition that matches your ability level and strengths. Now, you have successfully booked and audition and received an email for a possible audition time. Remember, don’t panic! A headshot and resume is required to bring to an audition, and be prepared to stay as long as the casting directors want you to stay. You may be given the script a few days beforehand to practice, or you may be given the script on the spot. If you are given the script on the spot, it is always a good idea to practice these type of cold reads before your audition. Explore your natural reading tendencies and acting choices. And that’s it there is to it! Hopefully, within the next few days or weeks, you will have gotten an e-mail about whether you were chosen to be part of the cast. If you did not make it, that’s okay too. There are so many more opportunities out there for you to take a shot at. Good luck!

Tips for ways to act on screen and what to notice when critiquing yourself:

  • Make sure your speaking volume is the appropriate level. You don’t need to speak too loudly as if you are on stage, but you don’t want to speak too quietly either. The camera and microphone should be able to pick up your voice when speaking in your normal tone.
  • Prevent your eyes from looking directly at the camera, or at the your partner in the scene. The eyes should look natural, with some movement, but nothing too crazy. Ask yourself these questions as you watch yourself on video: Are your eyes rolling around? Are they looking cross-eyed? Or are they glued on one thing?
  • Make sure your inner emotions do not show. For instance, do not look scared, startled, sad, exhausted, or excited when you are meant to be portraying a different emotion. Even the slightest hint as to what you are feeling can cause you to break character.
  • Make sure you are focused and in the scene. Actors tend to get distracted by certain props or others around them, causing them to miss any cues. This is extremely important because this results in the other actors becoming confused.

Source I used:

That’s it! I am so glad I got a chance to explore the acting world a bit more and familiarize myself with all this information in order to bring some truth into my story. I really hope you enjoyed reading my post as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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1 Comment

  1. Hello Julie,

    I think that is a great way to start! Adding to your research on auditioning, you should look into how your character would find this role. Does your character have an agent who recommends roles? Do they see an ad online? Was it an ad on the street? You should also think about the location of the casting. Is it in person? Is it only online? Next, how many auditions does your character need to do to get the part? It would be rare for a person to get the first part they look into so be mindful of that. I know that in your story your character has a tough home life. You should research the resources that they could use to find help. Or you could look into the realistic affects that an unhealthy environment has on a child. I will provide some links to some of the stuff I addressed!,help%20of%20an%20talent%20agent.

    I hope this helped!

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