One hobby I have is dancing, I’ve been dancing since I was 5, so until now would be 11 years! Though I have been dancing for a long time, I won’t be pursuing it as my career in the future. I think I would want to be a type of doctor, maybe a paediatrician, or psychologist, surgeon… maybe, or others. I have not decided what major I would like to study, but definitely will be researching more to see if I can start developing a goal and plan for the future.
In my free time I like to hangout with my friends and family, spend time by myself, and bake sweets and eat them. I also want to get a long-term job which I would do outside of my school and extracurriculars time, and do more volunteering in the community. This is not only for the school graduating hours, but also to contribute to the community and to gain experience and knowledge. Overall, I think staying positive and feeling purposeful is very important, this makes sure that I have the motivation to work, to make plans for myself, to be busy and be happy.
Thank you for reading and here are some cool pictures I took from this summer:)