
Social media Audit

Heres my social media audit for the candy store Sweeties Candy and Gifts. I checked out Bulk Barn and the Freak Lunchbox’s social medias to get some ideas on the sort of posts they could make.

Social media audit- Sweeties Bridget and Hayden 

Your social media has a lot of positive aspects like keeping your customers up to date on covid news and the stock arrivals and also staying connected and personal with customers is a really great quality for your store’s personality.

You should consider expanding your social media presence to forums such as Tiktok. There you can show more behind-the-scenes looks like packing orders and stocking which believe it or not is what people like to watch on TikTok. Also adding a personal touch such as a child eating some of your cotton candy or a person who has finished building one of the miniature house craft kits could show customers the results and popularity of your store’s products. In fact, while checking out another candy store’s TikTok to make some comparisons, I found myself captivated watching video after video of order packing. In 2021, Instagram is becoming less popular and personally, I rarely go on Instagram. Tiktok is my go-to.

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  1. Bridget and Hayden,
    this was a very interesting read on your social media audit on Sweeties Candy and Gifts!
    I defenitely agree that expanding social media presences such as not just instagram and facebook, but also Tik Tok. It appears that Tik Tok has been extremely popular for a while now. Like it seems that many small buisnesses are more noticed from this app and are able to gain more people to buy what they are selling! Overall, you make great points on what Sweeties Candy and Gifts can do to improve. Great job on your post!
    Looking forward to your future posts!

  2. Hey Hayden and Bridget, cool audit! I completely agree that branching out into a variety of social media platforms can do wonders for marketing. Because so many people are on these platforms so often, the amount of people your ads can reach is astronomical. The ones that I find are the most efficient due to their high volume of traffic are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, and FaceBook. All you need to do is get your name out there the best you can and see how the public reacts. Great feedback!

  3. Dear Bridget and Hayden,

    Tik Tok has been booming over the past year. The more content businesses (and especially small businesses) put out with regards to the BTS (behind the scenes) of their work and processes could really lead to more sales and a higher reach overall. As a general rule of thumb, I always suggest to people looking to launch or further get something out into the world, it is better to focus on making *more* than posting rarely and having only “high-quality” posts. You both make excellent points with how the brand is perceived based on their content being pushed out and their platform usages.

    Excellent work, and let me know if you do set up socials and where we can find your work with Sweeties!


    Warm regards,


  4. Hi Bridget and Hayden!
    Great points on how Sweeties Candy and Gifts can improve. And yes you are right about the TikTok platform. I strongly believe that Tiktok is very beneficial to many beginners’ businesses. Although, I also think that advertising on other platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and sharing the message out from friends to friends would definitely help. For example, you know how you send out surveys to friends, and other people when you need to get opinions about things. Similarly, you can make posters (online or physical) using apps like Canva, which would help.

    Thank you,
    -Lokshana 🙂

  5. Hi Hayden and Bridget,
    Social media is so important for marketing! I agree with what you said about instagram. While I still enjoy instagram, it is much harder to get a large outreach with it. I like to post art work I do, and I have noticed how difficult it is to reach people through instagram (if you don’t use paid promotions of course). For example, when I post art on insta, I get about 30 ish likes. On reddit, if I post the same thing I’ll reach more people and get almost 1000.

  6. Hi Bridget and Hayden!

    This was very interesting for me to read, and I agree with your ideas. I find that I often discover new business through Tiktok, since it is one of my most used social media platforms. I personally prefer Tiktok business accounts as apposed to Instagram ones because videos are more engaging than photos.

    Great post,

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