
Round #1: How do plants help humans?

Big question: How do plants help humans?

Round #1: Nutrients in plants.

What are nutrients?

Nutrients are substances used to provide the body with energy (1).There are a lot of nutrients we get from plants that help in our body. Plants have the main nutrients we need, which are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (2). We need Nitrogen to make plants grow. It also helps in photosynthesis and nitrogen also creates proteins and without proteins plants would wither and die (3). Phosphorus is the main nutrient, it also provides the plant with energy (4). Potassium also helps in photosynthesis and it helps in opening and closing the stomata (5).    

           Fruits Why is it important to eat fruits? And why are they important in our diet? Fruits are rich in nutrients that help the body, particularly vitamins. Two major vitamins you get from fruit are Vitamin A, which is important for vision and to build your immune system and Vitamin C, which is important for your gums and to heal wounds (6). 

Some of the fruits that give us nutrients are grapes, oranges, mangoes, and passionfruit.


20 Foods That Are High in Vitamin C





It is also important to eat vegetables. Some of the nutrients in vegetables are  important because they reduce the risk of high blood pressure and they also help in digestion (7). We should always eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they help in building the body, keeping it healthy and also help in reducing constipation because they contain a lot of fibre (8). I found it interesting to learn about the different chemicals like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and how they help to keep us healthy. 

In my next round of research I will be learning about plants as building materials.  















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  1. Hi Mary, it was really interesting reading your post! While I already knew that plants are an incredible and essential part of our lives, as they provide lots of food, as well as create oxygen through photosynthesis, I know realize that I have a lot to learn. I had absolutely no clue that plants contained so much phosphorus and potassium. Great work!

    Some sources you may find useful are:

  2. Hello Mary,

    Great way to start off your question! Love all the information you provided. I think it was very smart to think about plants as more than just nutrients but also building materials in your next post! Have you thought about researching how plants can provide natural shelter and how they are good for the environment?

    Here are some links that relate to that,source%20of%20food%20and%20protection.

    Good luck!

    Shieva Mokhtarnameh

  3. Hello Mary,
    I agree with you that plants are vital in human survival. I can’t start imagining how human beings can live without the nutrients that plants offer. In the recent past, greenhouse technology and inorganic farming have tremendously impacted on production of the foods we eat. If you would like to study more provocative questions, you may want to consider questions like, What is the future of the food sector, Does inorganic and organic farming result in better or worse human health, Are we what we eat? Do different plants trigger chemical reactions that alter our thinking?
    Oh, I hope to learn why we can’t eat all plants from your posts.
    I am looking forward to your next post.

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