
Moses Waruingi – About me

Am Warutumo Moses Waruingi alumni of Tigithi boys high school year 2017. I did a project on physical disability in general which really changed most of people’s thinking or view on the disable. The project made me see disability as an ability. I had a chance to spend two months in Canada and had great experience in new cultures. I learned a lot from my colleagues projects and had my mind blown by how differently I saw things and also knew things I didn’t know. Butterfly effect gave me an opportunity to view me as a person in different ways ,broadened my way of thinking turning me to an expansive thinker. Am so glad to be back here again.
Hoping to work with most of you if not all of you.

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  1. Dear Warutomo,

    Thank you for sharing with the Butterfly Effect program! Us students are very fascinated with all the new posts! I also hope all is well with you during this time. I thank you for shining light on people with disabilities in your past project. Your interests within seeing “a disability as an ability” is truly wholly inspiring.

    Your post is wonderfully written, and I congratulate you on your achievements in being alumni of Tigithi boys high school! I have two questions for you:

    1. What career would you like to pursue in the future? Why?
    2. Where in Canada did you visit when you came for two months? Did you like it?

    I look forward to your future blog posts, wonderful work – you are a very interesting individual with an array of interests. Great work, Warutomo!

    Warm Regards,


    1. Hello Galicia. Am glad you were inspired.
      About career I will be graduating with a diploma in land survey and I think that’s my path. Am also into hotel management and I do part time farming as a back up plan.
      I visited alot places check them out at
      And yes I loved my visit and enjoyed every bit of it except leaving.

  2. Hi Warutomo!
    Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself and the project you did on physical disability!
    That is great that you were able to visit Canada for some time and that you learnt more about the culture! If you were able to visit Canada again, would you come back to visit?
    Also, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

    1. Heey.Yes if I was able to come back I would.
      During my free time I love reading novels. I love rollerblading and mentoring kids on sports you will also find me sitted alone listening to loud music mostly in the evening.

  3. Hello Warutomo,
    Thank you for sharing a little about you! And I think it is wonderful that you did a research about physical disability, as it is something very important and popular all around the world.

    1. What is something interesting or shocking that you have learned about this topic?
    2. how was your visit here to Canada?
    3. And what are the places you visited?

    -Lokshana 🙂

    1. Hello..The most shocking this i learnt was that the disabled dont actually like being treated in a special way..they prefer being treated like most of us equally.
      My visit to canada was eye opening to how many opportunities we have outside our area of comfort or our homes.I realised there more than just your neighbourhood. The food was totally different but in a good way had a chance to study lots of stuff from music to Canadian history to theatre performances. .

      I moved around quite often..Went to Langley fine arts school.visited lots of places .my favourite place was skiing at Whistler..I documented all of it check it at

      1. Hi Moses!
        Wow, that is a shocking fact. I only assume that they would want equal service/treatment, but it is actually true. It makes sense because treating them differently will make them feel excluded.

        Thank you for the link! I will read your blog. 🙂

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