
Faith Nderitu – About me

I am Faith Nderitu. I am Kenyan by nationality. I attended Loise Nanyuki Girls Secondary school for secondary education from 2012-2015. I later on joined Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology for tertiary education. I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Technology and this was driven by the passion I have for environmental conservation.

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  1. Dear Faith,

    I am impressed by your academic accolades and achievements. I find it wonderful that you are working towards environmental conservation. I have two questions for you.

    1. Where do you hope to work in your future (in which area)
    2. What do you like to do in your free time for fun?

    Your grammar and sentences are so beautiful and you write amazingly.

    Warm Regards,


    1. Wow, thank you for the complements😊. Am currently working with a landscaping firm whereby the main activities that we are currently undertaking include: site visits in order to determine the climatic conditions of the site that we are to landscape. This is useful in determining the type of plants and turf grasses that will do well once installed. This is followed by designing the final outlook of the site using a software known as Archicad. From there we do installation of the plants in the site and later on maintenance activities such as watering, edging, weed control as well mowing of the turf grass.
      During my free time I enjoy watching documentaries and as well knitting shaggy door mats😊

  2. Hello Faith!
    Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself!
    That is amazing that you pursued getting a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Technology!
    What is something you enjoyed learning most when studying for your Bachelor in Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Technology?

    1. You are welcome. What I enjoyed most in the course are the units that we were taught much on designing using plants to achieve different functions in the landscapes. For example the types of turf grasses that do well in different climatic conditions. Turf grass known as arabica grass does well in cool climatic conditions while turf grass known as Zimbabwe grass does well under a shade. Similarly I enjoyed the units where we studied much about the units that involved information such as diseases that affect plants,plant propagation and as well as nutrients that plants do require in order to thrive well in the landscapes.

  3. Hiii Faith!
    Nice to read about you and I admire your passion for environmental conversation. Firstly I love your name it’s an interesting name as hope 🙂 Is there a specific meaning to your name?

    And secondly, congratulations on the Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Technology. What interested you to pursue a degree in that field?

    I look forward to your future posts,
    -Lokshana 🙂

    1. Thank you. Apparently am not really sure about the meaning of the name😊. What inspired me to pursue a course in environmental horticulture and landscaping technology is because I have always enjoyed seeing nice and well maintained plants in the landscapes. By studying the course I was able to get skills such as designing of spaces, installation and maintenance of the plants which have enabled me to ensure healthy and functional plants in the landscapes. Having plants in our landscapes and especially in the urban areas is very important since the plants help in absorption of gases in the air such as Carbon through sequestration and hence the reduction of such gases is achieved and in turn mitigating climate change.

        1. Am currently working with a landscaping firm whereby the main activities that we are currently doing include landscape installation which involves planting of ornamental plants and turf grasses on the landscapes. After establishment of the plants aftercare activities are done such as watering, edging of plants as well as weed control.

          1. Wow, that is very interesting!
            I love gardening and planting… do you have any tips? 🙂

            What is something you found really interesting?

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