
My Career Goal

My career goal when I complete school is to become a lawyer. It has been my dream since grade two. I have maintained the dream of becoming a lawyer all through my school time. I would like to join one of the best universities in Kenya so I can pursue my career. The university that I admire most here in Kenya is Kenyatta University.  I have also checked on grades of becoming a lawyer and I saw that I should have a C +  in the Kenya certificate of Secondary education. Subject wise I should have a C+ in English and one humanity.

     The main reason why I want to become a lawyer is because I want to help those less fortunate people in our country that can not afford to pay lawyers to represent them in court of law. I would also like people’s rights to be followed. In my opinion, the  best lawyer in Kenya is professor Patric Lumumba. What I like about him is that he is a courageous man and he follows the law to the letter. He puts his best efforts in whatever he does. He is also a humble person and loves others equally. He also motivates people to do what they do best. He is not only a lawyer, but a professor and serves as a director in the Kenya school of law. I would like to be like him one day. If you would like to learn more about him please watch this video.


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  1. Hi Joseph,
    I love your passion for human rights and your hard work in pursuing your dream of becoming a lawyer. My dream is also to become a lawyer to help those who can afford a lawyer to prove their innocence. I would love to stay connected to you and wish you all the best for your future. Don’t forget to share your journey with us. 🙂

  2. Hello Joseph,

    That is a great goal! It’s heartwarming to hear that you want to help the less fortunate. The systems that we have in place regarding the law are not perfect for people who struggle economically. We need people like you to give a helping hand because this world is hard on so many. You are also correct about people’s rights. If people can’t stand up for themselves, they can’t get what they deserve. Being a lawyer is hard work, but If you stick to your values, it can be very rewarding. I wish you good luck!

  3. Dear Joseph,

    Wonderful read on your blog post! Love that you are interested in law and human rights work. I do as well! Political Science and law may interest you. Within the study of political science, there are many details you can get into with regards to government, politics, court cases, exact prime ministers and what actions they took. The overarching, larger concepts are what students should prioritize prior to analyzing the content.

    I wish you the best with everything!



  4. Hi, Joseph
    I love that you are very passionate about becoming a lawyer and you are working very hard to achieve that dream. Indeed, everyone should help the less fortunate people. My goal is to do something in the medical field and help people out as well. I wish you all the best to succeed.

  5. Hi Joseph,

    Your passion towards the community is very inspiring. You do not just want to become a lawyer, but also help people in assistance or who cannot afford a lawyer. I wish you the very best of luck for your journey and hope your dream becomes reality.

    Good luck!

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