
2020 September Pa-Moja Week

Personal Life

a) In ten years, I see myself as someone who has put all their ducks in a row, someone who has finally figured out, gotten into the groove of life, and knows what they are striving towards and the goals they want to accomplish. While I might still be in school in ten years (if I choose to go into the medical field), I believe I will still be genuinely confident in my path forward for my personal and professional life. In ten years I also see myself as someone who has matured and understands the world a whole lot more than I do now, as well as someone who can solve a problem by weighing options and empathizing with all involved. But most important of all, I see myself as a global citizen, someone who helps others and their community, and doesn’t expect anything in return except for a better world.

c) My career goals mainly consist of either joining the medical or teaching fields. This is simply because I love helping people, it makes me feel whole. Helping people stay healthy or helping kids learn and live a confident and educated life is something I am striving toward in my ensuing professional life. I believe the world needs more educated and caring people; our global community’s future is far brighter with more of them in it and I labor everyday to make that a reality.

d) The vast majority of my role models have been my teachers. While not all of my teachers have been phenomenal examples, most of them have helped me tremendously throughout my years in the school system and have made me the person I am today. Whether it’s helping me through tough times or teaching me life lessons that I now use everyday, my teachers have aided me forge ahead and gain ground in my life. I would be a far less well-rounded person today if I hadn’t been taught by my teachers yesterday and gained the skills necessary to succeed; they are true role models and I hope that I will be able to follow in their footsteps.

e) My family life is incredibly uncomplicated compared to the bulk of my friends. I am an only child, my parents are not separated or divorced, and all three of us live in the same house. We also have a six year old cat that lives with us, but the rest of my family (and pets) mainly live in Romania and different countries in Europe. Because of that, I barely see the majority of my family members; a few of my cousins, nephews, and nieces have never even met me before. My mother’s parents are also my only living grandparents, yet I’ve spoken to them less than five times in my life, which is quite depressing. This is all because we don’t travel much and Romania is a long two flights or one long-haul flight away, which cost lots of money to book. Overall, my family life is quite boring due to the distance restrictions, and that does make me rather sad.

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  1. I can relate to the family life! Other than my immediate family, everyone else lives in Iran. There are no direct flights so whenever we decide to visit, it takes up to two days to arrive. It can be comforting knowing that you have your friends around you as well.

    1. I absolutely agree! I treat my friends like my second family due to how difficult it is to connect with my non-immediate family and I make sure to treasure them as much I do my biological family.

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