
About Me – Grace Sun

Hey everyone!

My name is Grace Sun and I am in my 3rd year at UBC honouring in Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological sciences. I joined the Butterfly effect during grade 11 at my time in Charles Best and I loved being able to research into what I was passionate about and share that with students who were also interested in research. I am now hopping on PA-MOJA as a mentor so feel free to talk to me about your research or any university-related questions, I am always here to help and you’ll all see more of me on your comment sections :))

Here is a picture of me at the Bubba Gump, Forest Gump is a great movie if you haven’t seen it yet.

I love art and going into museums, recently I found out about posca paint markers and have been endlessly customizing random objects around my house. I also love anything that has to do with space, I took a course in astronomy and became smitten with space exploration, hoping to be the explorer one day. My favourite sport is skiing, especially downhill, moguls, and parks. During the winter, you can always find me up in some mountain, stargazing or skiing. I have found some great viewpoints this past year. Here is a picture from my favourite viewpoint up on Cypress:

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  1. Hi sun,

    It is a pleasure getting to know you. I also love sciences especially anything to do with biology and chemistry. I am pretty sure you enjoy carrying out researches for they they help one get a better understanding of the surrounding and discovery of other new things. I really love everything to do with space as well and may the dream of you becoming an explorer one day come true. The pictures you have taken fro different views look really nice. the movie I have not watched but I will have to watch it.

    1. Hi David,

      nice meeting you, I also really like chemistry and biology. Also space exploration is really amazing, I’m glad you find it the same 🙂

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