
Metamorphosis Reflection

  1. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?


Throughout this inquiry project, I faced challenges like sustaining my activity. This was because I had other activities going on like work, school, and art. There were some days where I had absolutely no time to meditate, but in the end, I made time by meditating right when I got home or finished my homework. I think it was less about the time and more about my willpower to meditate after a long day. It was really hard to do that when I had assignments that I could’ve been working on or something else that I thought my time would be better spent doing. Although, I still made sure to do the meditation because I knew that it would be good for me. It also really helped my willpower knowing that doing the meditation is technically getting homework done. The other struggle I had doing this project was writing my meditation reflections after the meditations. This was because it was hard to remember what exactly worked and what didn’t work when you’re so in the moment. I had to redo the meditation sometimes to remember what I wanted to say. That definitely seemed to help!

  1. How did this inquiry change the way you think?


This inquiry changed my perspective on meditation and its benefits! I asked, “Could people integrate meditation into their lives and what effects would it have on them?” At first, I thought meditation was supposed to be catered towards people with mental illnesses and Buddhists. After researching and trying meditation out for myself I found that it actually had a lot of benefits for the everyday person including better sleep, less stress, and better focus. I also was skeptical if meditation could be something people could keep up. Although, In the end, I was able to do daily meditations. This made me hopeful that if people implemented meditation into their lives, they would be able to benefit and keep those benefits.


  1. How did this investigation impact your future decisions?


Researching meditation has impacted my future decisions by showing me that meditation is something I can do every day to reduce stress. Knowing the information, I know about how to meditate and how to overcome some of the struggles, it would be easier in the future to meditate daily. This project will also make me suggest meditation to people I know. I now have something I can suggest to my friends that are dealing with stress or a lack of focus. In the future, I will be able to help myself and others using meditation.

  1. What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?


This investigation will impact people locally. I think that since parts of my posts were about how to overcome struggles involving meditation, people who read it can move past their issues and try meditation out for themselves. I also think that the benefits I listed are attractive and could convince people to get started. Lastly, I think the log I made of myself trying meditation could inspire people to meditate because my issues may have been similar to theirs. I also provided the instructions for the meditations I did. That could help people by making them do less work to find good activities. This will also impact people locally because I now have knowledge about meditation, and I am able to pass it on to family, friends, and acquaintances.


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  1. Hi Shieva,

    I am glad you were able to continue your project considering the circumstances and the new schedules we’ve had to create for ourselves.

    After reading your last post on your project I actually tried meditating, and I was surprised by the increase of focus I had while completing schoolwork! Sadly I haven’t been doing it recently, but I was glad to see that meditating is something I can turn to when feeling stressed!

    Thank you for posting about this, because without it I don’t think that I would have felt motivated to try meditating!
    -Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

  2. Hey Shieva!

    I’ve really enjoyed following your posts and your experience with meditation. As I explained in a previous comment, it’s always been something that I have been interested in, but I always put it off. To be honest, I have had some problems with stress, my sleep schedule, and anxiety in quarantine. So, I think this is a great time for me to start – especially after reading your posts.

    You are completely right in saying your cycle has inspired others to begin meditation and I am proof! I look forward to starting and living a more grounded life.

    Excellent job on your work! Congrats on finishing your posts!

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