
Self Reflection #2

Hello everybody! I hope you continue to be safe and healthy and always remember… we are all in this together! So stay positive and take some time to make sure you’re feeling good.

What is something you did for your body?

I’m definitely proud of what I have been doing for my physical self. I have been using an app called Nike Training Club. They have workouts, yoga tutorials and they’re all different lengths so it hasn’t been too challenging to incorporate into my day. I have tried lots of different workouts on the app and it’s been lots of fun and makes me feel really good afterwards. I would highly recommend it to anybody who is looking for a good workout. A couple weeks ago I also scrubbed and cleaned the patio so that’s where I have been doing the majority of my homework. It feels really nice to have the fresh air and sun to help me when working. I have also played some bocce just for fun in my backyard with my mom which has been lots of fun! Finally, thanks to the weather being relatively nice, my family went for a hike in Abbotsford called the Abby Grind. It was a really nice hike (there is a picture below) and I am looking forward to doing it again.

What is something you did for your mind?

For my mind I have been outside a lot. Being outside really calms me down, especially if it’s sunny. I’ll take my dog out for a long walk and run after the birds with him or read outside. My dad lives on a farm where we have goats, chickens and a pony. They have also been a big part of keeping me calm during this time. The goats and pony are all very friendly and love to be brushed so I’m often out there with them. There is also lots of room on the farm so I have been exploring the space more and my siblings and I built a tree fort. All the outdoors time has helped me balance out the stress of schoolwork and I think continuing this well help me find a good balance.

What is something you did for your happiness?

For my happiness, I have been continuing to talk to my friends as I know they can easily make me laugh if I’m feeling down. I have also been listening to music a lot more when I’m doing my work, something I never really did in school. I have found a good song definitely puts me in a happy mood. I am also reading a really good series. I just finished the first book in the series “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss and am just starting the second book in the series “A Wise Man’s Fear” by Patrick Rothfuss. Both of them have been really really good and I highly recommend them to anyone who likes fantasy and a good coming of age story. Finally, I have been making sure I’m spending lots of time with my family because I know I can always be happy and be myself when I’m with them. We call our family every week to say hi which always leaves me feeling happy.The Name of the Wind: Patrick Rothfuss: 9780756404741: ...

What is something you did for someone else?

This week and next week will be very busy weeks for me! My mom, my step mom, my dad and my friend’s birthdays are all in May. So, I have been making a lot of birthday cards, mothers day cards, and little homemade gifts in preparation for their birthdays. I’m really excited to give them the cards and presents not only because it will make them happy but it will make me happy giving and making them the gifts. I hope they’ll enjoy it even if they don’t have the usual birthday celebrations  they may have had in past years.Free Happy Birthday Cartoon Images, Download Free Clip Art, Free ...

Thank you for reading, stay safe and smiling! : )

– Cynthia

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  1. Hey Cynthia!

    Nice Reflection! I think it’s super cool that you get to spend time on a farm around all those animals! Do your goats, chickens or pony have names? 🙂

    It seems like you are keeping really busy which is awesome to here! I read that you have been taking lots of long walks with your dog outside. I’m actually sharing people’s nature photos on my instagram account @projectonewithnature! If you happen to see anything that inspires you on your walks send in a picture and I will post it on my account and share it with others!

    I also saw that you just finished “The Name of the Wind.” That book has been on my list for the longest time, I just haven’t gotten around to starting it yet (I have a long list of books I want to read lol). I’m glad to hear you liked it because I will definitely move it higher up on my list and hopefully read it soon!

    Keep staying safe!
    – Madison Ciulla

  2. Hi Cynthia,

    Great to see that your are still continuing to stay busy! I have started to use my apple watch as a way to track my workouts sort or similar to the app you are using but I totally get how it makes you feel accomplished and more motivated. Also the fact that you can be on a farm is so cool.

    Awesome reflection 🙂

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