
Self Reflections (1 and 2)

I got sidetracked with other homework, and forgot to post the first one here. Sorry about that. Anyway, we’re all stuck at home, but unlike most of my friends, I actually prefer this over regular classes. Maybe it’s just me? My friends can’t seem to stand it, but I’m aware we all have different needs and preferences.

Self Reflection #1:

1.) What is something you did for your body?

I mostly just got to bed at a reasonable hour, so that I wasn’t tired or waking up extremely late in the afternoon anymore. I started waking up at 7:30, which I found to be less stressful because I had more hours in my day to do anything, instead of having the limited time during the night and repeating the same process constantly. Is this effective? Yep. I feel much better now.

2.) What is something you did for your mind?

As I said before, I changed my sleep schedule, so it fit more accordingly. Getting more sleep also meant that my mind was clearer and thought process was easier. Since doing this, I had more motivation to start/finish things and be creative. I found a new art style, so that was cool. Been wanting to do that for a while now.

3.) What is something you did for your happiness?

I mostly just did things I enjoyed, because most of the things I like to do don’t require being around people. Reading, writing stories, chilling. I’d been wanting to make some progress in one of my stories, and I actually managed to get that done, which satisfied me. At least it’s started, and once I start something, I have an automatic response to finish it. I also read my favourite book series several times, since I find it doesn’t get old and it doesn’t fail to make me feel better.

4.) What is something you did for someone else?

I was mostly just being moral support for any of my friends who needed it, because I know they were tired of being stuck at home all the time and wanted to hangout. Therefore, I would talk to them through text, voice call, or on some other game format. Two of my friends in particular were sick, but I tried to help distract them from their sour moods so they could at least enjoy their days. I also created this group so that my friend group could stay in touch with each other, while we could all talk in the same chat

Self Reflection #2:

1.) What is something you did for your body?

Something I did for my body was go for walks with my mom for gym class, but it also felt nice and refreshing to do, since we do not really go on walks anymore. It’s actually quite fun, and you’re not really overworking yourself, but still getting the exercise you need. My mom and I went through Mundy Park, around the neighbourhood, along with Como Lake.

2.) What is something you did for your mind?

I have not really changed what I’ve been doing. I have been continuing to write and draw, along with reading some books because I find that enjoyable and peaceful. The walks for PE class also help clear my mind, especially this one time where I went with my mom around the lake. I liked looking at the scenery, since I don’t get the chance to do that a lot.s

3.) What is something you did for your happiness?

For my happiness I have been doing activities I enjoy. I’ve also been talking to my friends and cousin through online apps and we’ll just chat and play together. I’ll sometimes just share my screen, along with my other friends so we can watch each other draw which is always fun. I liked it the most when we all played this online Pictionary game together, because everyone was happy at the same time.

4.) What is something you did for someone else?

My friends are getting really restless during the quarantine, and I can tell one of them is bored out of their mind. I’m trying my best to keep them entertained as much as I can, with whatever options I’ve got. My friends and I have mainly just been playing games together, drawing on stream, and talking about random stuff. I streamed with my friend yesterday which kept them entertained until we had to go to sleep.

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