
Sienna Saunders – Reflection 1-2

Sienna Saunders

Butterfly Effect



Think about the past week and answer the following questions. As with all reflections, multiple, specific examples to back up your responses are needed for meeting highest expectations. See reflection learning map. Please write answers in a different colour.


REFLECTION 1 (posted to teams by accident)

1.) What is something you did for your body?


The past few weeks I have been doing as much as possible to stay healthy because before COVID-19 I regularly went to the gym and now I try my best to make use of the nice weather and I have been going on walks and hikes as much as possible while following the guidelines of social distancing. I also have been eating very healthy and lowering my carb intake by cutting out sugar to insure I am filling my body with natural foods like vegetables and berries and healthy proteins. I also have been drinking a lot of water because water helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract as well as suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.


2.) What is something you did for your mind?

During this hard time I have been taking up old hobbies that are very calming as well as fun to help positive thinking. Hobbies I have picked up include painting, drawing and designing my own clothes by tie dyeing or ironing designs onto clothes. Painting is very calming and I am very happy I had the recent interest in starting again. I started art when I was very young and it has always been a helpful and fun way for me to express myself because I am a very creative person. I have also been reading regularly before bed to keep up with English as well as trying to avoid screens at night.


3.)What is something you did for your happiness?


Lately it has been very hard to stay positive because of the situation we have all been put in but I have been staying in contact with my friends through facetime, calling, texting and snapchat. Both my new hobbies like painting and being healthy contribute a lot to my happiness but staying in contact and talking with my friends even though we cannot see each other gives me more happiness than both. I am a very outgoing person and a large part of my life is my friends.


4.) What is something you did for someone else?


I have recently been living with my grandparents to help my dad stay healthy because his immune system is compromised. It has been very difficult but I know it is for the better of his health and safety. I have also been working a lot more because my work is very understaffed. I have been doing my best to take shifts that need to be covered as well as helping out at home with my grandparents and their groceries as well as chores.



1.) What is something you did for your body?


This week I have been doing as much as possible to stay healthy by going on runs while following the guidelines of social distancing. I live in heritage mountain and there are many trails and roads that are perfect for running on. I also have been eating very healthy and trying not to eat when I am at work because I work at McDonalds. I am still trying my best to fill my body with natural foods like vegetables and berries and healthy proteins as well as trying to intermediate fast at the moment. I am still trying my best to drink a lot of water but at times I forget.


2.) What is something you did for your mind?


As I stated in the last reflection during this time I have been taking up old hobbies that are very calming as well as fun to help positive thinking like painting, drawing and designing my own clothes by tie dyeing or ironing designs onto clothes. Like it is good for the body my runs have also been very good for the mind. Like painting, running is very calming and it is very nice to get outdoors.


3.)What is something you did for your happiness?


Stay connected to my friends is a large part of what still makes me happy. A couple of my friends live very close by and sometimes we will go for walks or sit at a safe distance apart but it is still very nice to be able to see them and talk in person. Being in todays generation it is very easy to call or texts your friends but being in person is a completely different connection that many people are at a loss of at the moment and having my friends so close to me in walking distance is something I never really took advantage of in the past.


4.) What is something you did for someone else?


Apart from still living with my grandparents to help my dad stay healthy because his immune system is compromised I have also been doing the laurndry for them and the grogercies so that they won’t have to go inside the store incase they could be exposed to the virus. Even tho I go inside I still stay safe by wearing gloves and a mask.

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  1. Hey Sienna!

    I’m glad you and your family are doing what they can to be safe during these troubling times. I can actually relate to a lot of the things you mentionned in your reflection! I have also started painting and it’s extremely relaxing, so I’m definitely going to continue doing that. I’m sorry to read about how you and your dad have to be apart as I’m sure that must be extremely difficult for the both of you. I hope you will be reconnected soon!

    Overall, great job on your reflection. Good luck with your inquiry!

  2. Hi Sienna!

    Great reflection! I’m really sorry that you and your dad have to be distanced, I really hope everything starts to get better so people such as yourself do not need to be distanced from their loved ones. I’m sure the community is very appreciative of you having to work more during these times, I know it can be hard as my mother is an essential worker so her shifts have been all over the place, consistently ranging from being early in the morning and late at night. I’m glad you have found ways to relax however, as it is much needed at times for everyone.

    I hope you continue to stay safe and healthy!

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