
Self- Reflection #2

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all safe at home and keeping entertained with different activities. Although we may be feeling the blues and reality is sinking in that social distancing will be sticking around longer than we believed, just know that we are all in this together. As we come around to another week in quarantine, here is my second reflection!

1.) What is something you did for your body?

Unfortunately, this previous week wasn’t as eventful, but I have decided to stay indoors a little bit more and start the Chloe Ting workout on YouTube. The Instagram and Tik Tok famous workouts have seen dramatic changes for individuals so I decided to try it for myself. On her website, there are various different workouts that target the specific part of the body you would like to improve on. Right now, I’m on day 7 of her most recent 25 days to an hourglass figure and I find it quite enjoyable for a workout. Ranging from 20-45 minutes a day, after the exercises, you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Personally, it’s a good break from staring at the screens and helps my brain reset to do more homework. However, on Friday I did go for a walk in Fort Langley with my dad along the river. We saw many puppies and families going out for walks and taking advantage of some fresh air. It was a nice change to see people maintaining their distance while still keeping up their personal health and supporting local businesses nearby who are suffering greatly. Perhaps, this upcoming week the weather is nicer so I am able to take my workouts outside and go on a run in Mundy Park.

2.) What is something you did for your mind?

For my mind, I solely have been doing homework and trying to get ahead in my classes. Although it might sound lame… quarantine has taken its toll on me, and I found it eases my mind knowing I have completed all my studies early. Therefore, this past week, I worked on my capstone project that was due Friday and my basic course load. Even though teachers have limited the amount of work we receive, I feel as there is always something to do whether it’s a large project due in the future or just understanding a concept. Weirdly enough, being at home has made me more motivated to do my studies, so I can binge watch Netflix or talk to my friends at night. Perhaps, being isolated has taught me some good work habits for university next year!

3.) What is something you did for your happiness?

In terms of happiness, I have tried to keep in touch with all my friends this week. Reaching out to different friend groups and checking to see how everyone was doing. As I mentioned above, the realization of the effects COVID-19 has on our lives has started to set in, so I wanted to make sure everyone was doing good in these hard times. Personally, it made me happier as well to be able to connect with everyone again as if everything was normal, through Facetime or different social media platforms. If I have learned anything from this experience is to cherish every moment because sooner or later, we will be moving on in our lives and this will all be in the past.

4.) What is something you did for someone else?

Lastly, on Friday, it was my dad’s birthday so my mom and I pre-ordered his presents a couple of weeks through Amazon and had a whole day planned for him. In the morning, it was a normal day, attending classes and my mom having many conferences while my dad slept in (lucky guy), but in the afternoon, the adventure began. My mom stayed home due to her work commitments, but my dad and I went to Fort Langley and indulged in the sweets, the local businesses had to offer from gelato to coffees, bakeries, and our all-time favourite chocolate store. For dinner, we ordered take out from a new steakhouse he had his eye on for a while and enjoyed the pastries we picked out from the bakery for dessert. Even though it wasn’t the perfect birthday he imagined, he said it was the best quarantine birthday anyone could have asked for!

That’s all for my self-reflection, I hope everyone has a great week and stay safe! J

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  1. Hi Lauren,

    Wow great reflection. Congrats on making it really detailed. I can really connect with you on the workouts. A lot of my friends are also trying Chloe Ting challenges too, and I’ve also tried doing some of her programs! I really enjoy them as well, but sometimes I don’t get as motivated to follow them everyday. 😉 I prefer just lifting weights and listening to music at the same time. Thus, I try to balance those two activities. Have you tried any other of Chloe Ting’s challenges?

    Nonetheless, I agree that it’s super stressful time for seniors now since we just got a lot of deadlines for CLC, and we’re all thinking about university. I really enjoyed reading how the things you are doing for your mind and happiness.

    Happy late birthday to your dad!

  2. Hey Lauren!

    Great reflection! I really like how you explained everything very well, making it easy to imagine the activities you are doing. I also have tried the Chloe Ting program, and I agree with you- it gives you a great feeling after working hard! I think it’s also great you were able to celebrate your dad’s birthday while still making sure you stay healthy, and happy late birthday to him as well!

    I hope you continue to stay safe and healthy!

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