
Research Round #1 – Inquiry

It might seem so simple to some people but many often need to be reminded how they can keep up good day to day dental health. In this round of research I will be looking into the areas that we should be focusing on every day. Some we might already do, some maybe not or if we already do it there might be a way to enhance the way we execute.

  1. Brush twice a day: It is important to brush not only in the morning to get rid of morning breath but it also important to brush at night to get rid of plaque and germs that accumulated during the day. (1) (3)
  2. Brushing the correct way: If you’re not brushing properly I can be equally as a bad as not brushing at all. The correct way to brush is in a gentle circular motion and taking your time to get most of the plaque removed. Faster and harder is not better. (1) (3)
  3. Brush your tongue: Not only can plaque stick to your teeth it can also buildup on your tongue. In saying that, that is usually what causes bad mouth and other oral health problems. (1) (3)
  4. Fluoride: When included in your tooth paste it will help create a barrier to your tooth while also getting rid of harmful germs that can cause decay. There has been talk that fluoride might harm other areas in the body but that is only true if ingested in a very large quantity. (1)
  5. Flossing: Doesn’t need to be twice a day like brushing but should be done at least once a day. It helps to stimulate the gums, reduce plaque, and help lower inflammation in the area, it might hard for some to floss but there are tools to make it easier example. A waterpik/water flosser. (1) (3)
  6. Mouthwash: Helps to freshen breathe and kill unwanted germs/bacteria. (1) (3)
  7. See your dentist twice a year: Seeing the dentist every 6 months will help to get that extra built in plaque and calculus that you cannot remove from everyday brushing. They have the entire view of your mouth and a high speed brush to help. The dentist will also be able to identify cavities and other problems we may not be able to see ourselves. (1) (3)

Three things you should do that surprised me:

  1. Drink water: Can help get rid of stubborn sticky and acidic foods in between you brushing your teeth in the morning then at night. (1) (2)
  2. Avoid sugary and acidic foods: Sugary and acidic foods can break down your tooth’s enamel making you more susceptible to cavities and other problems if the cavity gets deep enough. You don’t need to cut them out of your diet completely but you should be more mindful. (1) (2)
  3. Crunchy fruits and veggies: Helps to get your jaw moving and are typically higher in fiber that help to keep your teeth and gums clean as well as keeps your saliva flowing. (1) (2)


In my next round of research I will be digging deeper into what we really do wrong and how we can fix it using correct methods and/or the best products to make sure that you’re are using the most effective items.

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  1. Hey Kaia,

    Very intriguing inquiry question you have created. Many individuals visit the doctor for regular checkups or if they are sick, but dentists are equally as important and sometimes we take that for granted. I look forward to your next research round on correct methods and products because I’ve always wondered about the differences between handheld and electric toothbrushes. As you mentioned above brushing correctly is very important so does an electric toothbrush help people brush properly? Also. maybe researching the different types of toothpaste. Are some more beneficial than others? Anyways, great research round, and here are some links for the future!

  2. Hi Kaia,

    Great post! I enjoyed how you divided up your research and how organized it is. The things that you found surprising about dental health were very intriguing to read. I knew that eating fruits and vegetables are good for your overall health, but I was surprised when you said that they can keep our teeth and gums clean.

    One aspect that could be interesting to research would be the differences between a manual and electric toothbrush. How do they clean are teeth differently? Is one better than the other? Why? Furthermore, you could also research tooth whitening stripes. How do they work? Are there any down sides?

    Some links that can help out:

    Great work!

  3. Hi Kaia,
    Nice round of research! It was organized and easy to read, and I learned a number of things from your research. For example, I didn’t know that it’s much more effective to brush in a circular motion – I’ve always just brushed back and forth on the top/bottom, front and back. I also didn’t know that plaque could build on your tongue as well; I’ve always been told to brush my tongue to just get rid of bad breath.
    Perhaps one thing you could look into in your research is mouthwash, and how alcohol and alcohol free mouthwash compare.
    Here are some resources that you might find useful:
    Good luck!

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