
Self Reflection

Hey everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well under these circumstances and are enjoying their time at home. Although times may be tough, remember we all in this together!

What is something you did for your body?

Ever since the start of quarantine, being cooped up within your house doesn’t help with maintaining some form of exercise. I’ll admit before social distancing I was never a type of person to work out, but I did golf quite frequently which gave me some cardio. Therefore, with all this extra time on our hands, my father and I try to go for a walk in a different park every other day. This past week, we walked through Town Centre, Peace Park, and Riverview Park to have some fresh air in our systems and get our legs moving even if it’s only a 30-minute walk. On the days where we don’t walk, I try to do various home workouts from YouTube videos or battle my mother in some intense Just Dance on the Nintendo Switch.

What is something you did for your mind?

As an individual who enjoys keeping busy, I have been sticking to a homework schedule as well as picking up old hobbies. Due to our circumstances, online schooling has been implemented and as students, we must be very self-motivated. In order to keep my brain active, I made a schedule with different homework activities to try and get ahead on large projects and complete CLC earlier in-case there are any complications with uploads or documents. However, to have some fun and use my left brain, I have found my ukulele and have been watching Youtube videos to try and learn some simple chords. Soon enough, I hope to be playing some simple songs and learning a new skill all at once.

What is something you did for your happiness?

For my happiness, I have been keeping in contact with my friends through nightly Facetimes, competitive online games of Monopoly and various Netflix Parties. Yes, it is our senior year so I feel as if it’s very important to keep in contact with my friends before everyone goes their separate direction for post-secondary. Specifically, this past week, my friends and I had a picnic in a parking lot within our cars in a circle and it was very rewarding for all of us. To have even a little bit of face to face contact even if it’s 6 feet apart is still an opportunity, we all cherished and created many memories. Also, as a family, we were able to maintain more in contact with different family members in various parts of the world through video chats. With all the extra time on our hands, we have embraced our ability to stay connected through technology and mentally I believe it has strengthened our bonds as well as provided some greatly needed happiness.

What is something you did for someone else? *Image was taken before quarantine*

Since senior citizens are most at risk for COVID-19, I have been shopping and delivering my grandmother’s groceries to her contact-free. As an elderly, living on her own, we are thankful she is isolated, but we are trying to minimize as much contact with her and other individuals as much as possible to prevent any chances of her contracting the virus. Also, this past week, I have been assisting my mother who is a teacher in creating an online learning environment for her grade 4/5 students. Together we created a classroom blog in replacement for a planner, Teams to hand in assignments and One Note for all the lessons. Although it was a bit of a learning curve for everyone, we were able to persevere and help all her students stay connected and smoothly continue their education.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Lauren,

    It is great that you have been picking up new and old healthy habits during this bizarre time! Having so much free time on our hands gives us the opportunity to take up all the things we have been telling ourselves we would do – but never did. Haha. I have also taken the opportunity to spend time walking when there is nobody else around. Very peaceful.

    Scheduling is a great idea! It can be easy to become unmotivated, so it is great that you have found something you can do to keep you on track, so that you can enjoy doing things you love!

    I am so thankful that we have access to the internet during this time! I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t stay in contact with all of my friends. Netflix Party and Facetime are both very effective and I have also been using them myself to stay in contact with friends. It must be very hard for you during this time knowing you are graduating, and I am very sorry. I hope that this all ends soon so that you will still be able to experience the end of your senior year 🙂

    I also admire what you are doing for your grandmother! We were going to do the same for my grandparents, but unfortunately they live fairly far away and my grandfather has to have access to the local hospital near them since his health is not in the best shape (not COVID-19, just a weak immune system to do with his age). It is very sweet of you to help her and your mom and I really admire how you are handling this situation.

    Keep calm and stay safe! 🙂
    Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

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