I am going to start my project by creating a wooden planter box for my plants. Then, I would have to get the proper soil for my garden. Then, I would plant my seeds/plants and tend to them as they grow!
Some complexity that I may face in my action project include creating the planter box. I will have to get together wood to create it, then I would need help to actually build the box. I could probably get either my dad or my mom to help me build it. Then, I believe that the next challenge I would face would be actually being able to grow the plants. In the past, I haven’t been able to take care of plants very well, so I stopped trying to grow them. I believe that with the motivation of this project, I will be able to be driven to continuously care for my plants and raise them. I think that growing a garden is something important that I should know how to do for my future as well, since it is a great way to save money on groceries.
I believe that if done properly, this action is sustainable. I will be able to continuously grow plants if they continue to flourish and grow outside of this class, and I will be able to add to it. The longer that the plants will grow, the longer I won’t be contributing to the dangerous and unhealthy food, fertilizer and fuel processes used in the production of foods from the grocery store. If I am able to sustain this project, then it might be a habit that I would carry with me for the rest of my life, which is a very healthy option.
I would hope that my project is providing opportunity to lower fuel and unhealthy fertilizer production not only to myself, but to other people. I would hope that people would become inspired by my own project and decide to create their own garden so that we could all help the environment. Perhaps I could give out my foods as well, so people will be able to feel the inspiration and motivation to create their own gardens as well. I know that this project will create a positive impact for me and my family personally at least, because I know that as long as I am growing my own plants and foods, I am not contributing to processes from the stores.
Laurie Neverman
Laurie grew up on a farm since she was one year old and tended to it as she grew older. She owned a dairy farm and a large poultry flock, and tended to her family garden when money was tight so that she could bring in more income. Most of her education came first hand to her ever since she was born. Later in life in 2005, she created her very own garden where she raised over 100 varieties of organic fruits and vegetables. She also started up her brand, Common Sense Home, where she shares with others some tips and tricks for their own organic gardens, which I was able to get some advice from.
Laurie’s main advice to starting your own garden is to have an order and follow that order through, which is: decide what you’d like to grow, choose a location, plan your garden beds, invest in basic garden tools, test your soil, prepare the soil, choose the right seeds or transplants, plant with care, nurture your garden and enjoy your harvest! By following these steps, I should be able to successfully create my own garden. She also has other websites that go into more detail with each step, which I can follow as I work through my project.
I am looking forward to really starting my new project for this semester, because I am looking forward to the life-long information that could be beneficial to growing my own foods for the rest of my life.
Until my next post,
Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky
Hi Jessica,
Love the idea that you will be creating your own garden, with not only flowers but with food that you will be able to eat as well. Before reading your post I don’ think that I really knew what went into growing plants. Mainly the ways that by growing plants on say a farm how much we actually pollute getting the agriculture elsewhere. To me this was very informative and interesting to learn. Can’t wait to watch the growth of your garden throughout this semester.
Hope to see updates 🙂
– Kaia Jackson
Hi Kaia,
Thanks for your feedback!
Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky