

Hi everyone its to be back hope you are all fine.

Today my topic is based on the main types of transport.

The three main types of land transport: Road transport, Rail transport and other pipeline, cable transport. Land transport is one type of transport or carrier. People, animals, or any other goods move one place to another by using land or road this is called land transport.

 (i) land transport                                                                                                                                                                           Land transport is the movement of people, animals, and goods from one location to another on land.There are several forms of land transport which include: road transport,rail transport,human portage.                                                                       (a) human portage/human transport                                                                                                                                                                           It is the using of human labour on carrying goods on heads,backs and also shoulders. it is also earliest form of transport used in early Africa and the rest of the outside world.Human powered transport also called the human portage is also the transport of person(s) and/or goods using human muscle power. Like animal-powered transport, human-powered transport has existed since time immemorial in the form of walking, running and swimming. Modern technology has allowed machines to enhance human-power.Although motorization has increased speed and load capacity, many forms of human-powered transport remain popular for reasons of lower cost, leisure,physical exercise and environmentalism. Human-powered transport is sometimes the only type available, especially in underdeveloped or inaccessible regions.In lab experiments an average “in-shape” cyclist can produce about 3 watts/kg for more than an hour (e.g., around 200 watts for a 70 kg (154 lb) rider), with top amateurs producing 5 watts/kg and elite athletes achieving 6 watts/kg for similar lengths of time. Elite track sprint cyclists are able to attain an instantaneous maximum output of around 2,000 watts, or in excess of 25 watts/kg; elite road cyclists may produce 1,600 to 1,700 watts as an instantaneous maximum in their burst to the finish line at the end of a five-hour-long road race.

The main types of human transport include;

  • crawling(human)
  • walking
  • Running
  • sprinting
  • swimming
  • Climbing and mountaineering
  • Ice skating, roller skating, and inline skating
  • Cross-country skiing.


Crawls are used mainly;

  • When a person cannot yet walk because of being an infant
  • When a person cannot walk due to disability, being wounded, sick, or drunk
  • In very low places (caves, under a table, in a mine, etc.). Sometimes underground miners need to crawl long distances during their work
  • When searching for something on the ground
  • To get down to the ground in gardening, for maintenance or other work-related purposes which require a good reach on the ground
  • For stealth (camouflage and quietness)
  • To lower the field of vision
  • As an exercise
  • As a token of submission
  • For fun or comical purposes
  • During a fire, crawling may be used because the air near the ground is easier to breathe.

    Types of crawls

    Standard crawl

    Crawling is a specific 4-beat gait involving the needs and knees. A typical crawl is left-hand, right-knee, right-hand, left-knee, or a hand, the diagonal knee, the other hand then its diagonal knee. This is the first gait most humans learn, and is mainly used during early childhood, or when looking for something on the floor or under low relief. It can be used to move with a lower silhouette, but there are better crawls for that purpose. This is the most natural of the crawls and is the one that requires the least effort.

    Bear crawl

    US Airman performs a bear crawl

    The bear crawl is almost identical to the standard crawl, but the feet are used instead of the knees, which creates an arched or squatted body movement. This works as a faster crawl but requires more effort to maintain.

    Bridge walk

    This involves holding a gymnastic bridge and making small steps with the arms and legs. It is similar to a crab walk in that the body locomotes in a supine posture, but the arms are in shoulder flexion alongside the head.

    Because of its unusual appearance, bridge walking has been used in several horror films to suggest the demonic possession of a character.

    Crab crawl

    The crab crawl is used in crab soccer. It starts by sitting down with the feet and hands flat on the ground, the hips are then raised off the ground and the chest faces the sky. It is similar to a bridge walk in that both have quadrupedal locomotion with a supine torso, but here the arms are held behind the torso, with the shoulder joint being in hyper extension. Due to its inefficiency, it is more commonly used as a form of exercise than actual transportation. Crab walking builds triceps endurance and arm and leg strength, and is a recommended exercise of various school athletic departments and soccer organizations, such as USA football.

    The crab crawl is also useful for descending steep slopes with poor traction. Its feet-first orientation ensures a low center of mass to prevent tumbling, while the inverted posture allows one to see where they’re going.

    Leopard crawl/High crawl

    Soldier crawls through mud during training

    The leopard crawl is a military-specific crawl. There are two versions, the leopard crawl proper and a modified version for when carrying weapons in the hands. This is a two-beat gait like a trot: an arm/elbow is advanced with the diagonal knee. This is designed for the smallest silhouette possible, and the body is often nearly or actually touching the ground, and although the elbow and knee are the main focus, most of the respective limbs touch the ground.

    Tiger crawl

    The tiger crawl is essentially a highly accelerated combination between crawl and leopard crawl. It uses the hands and the knees/feet depending upon the situation, while maintaining a silhouette almost as small as that of the leopard crawl. This is relatively fast gait but can take large amounts of energy.



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  1. Hi Diba, great post, I liked how you went into detail about different types of crawling. In the next round maybe you can also talk about the other types of trasport that you listed. Another thing you can do is talk more about technology and how that has shaped the modes of trasport we use today as well as how it has allowed us to transport more, quicker, and easier. I am looking forward to reading your next post.

    Here is a link that may help:

  2. Hi Diba,

    Interesting topic! I liked how you went into detail about crawling and all the different reasons that crawling is the most popular form of transportation! Perhaps in your future posts you could do the same for the other types of transportation you have listed, and maybe you could look at the development of technology in regards to transportation and see how that has developed overtime. Very interesting!

    Here are some links that could help you with your research:
    I look forward to your future posts!
    Jessica O’Brien-Visbisky

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