
Sienna Saunders – Action Post #4

Action Post #4 

Reflection #2 

1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples) 

At the moment I work each week with the BC PSCA and I also have set up shifts this Sunday and next week with the homeless shelter working with the HOPE OFR FREEDOM SOCIETY making meals for the homeless and serving them. I am very excited to start volunteering with them and I also will be going on a trip on December 1st with a club I participate in (Project HELLO) where we will be visiting the downtown in order to help homeless individuals locate loved ones. Today I have my forth shift at the BC SPCA and I am very excited to spend time with the animals once again.  

2.) What are some successes that you have had? Provide specific examples. 

Last week I improved a lot and finished all my cleaning very calmly without rushing. The previous week before I discussed in my Action Post that I should have begun cleaning sooner so that I did not have to rush later that evening. A personal success that I have felt was important was making connections with the animals and feeling more comfortable and more comfortable each week at the SPCA. I am always nervous when starting something new but I have continued to do well and look forward to my future at this branch. Another success was setting up dates to begin working with Hope for Freedom Society through several calls finally planning out specific shifts to fit my schedule.

3.) What are some challenges that you have faced? Have you been able to overcome them? If so, how? Provide specific examples. If not, can you problem-solve some ideas that might work for next time or if a similar situation arises? Again, provide specific examples. 

Last week during my shift I did not face many challenges. I am finally getting used to the speed of things there and I am doing a lot better. The only challenge at the BC SPCA is trying to spend as much time as possible with the animals as possible while leaving enough time to prepare everything for the morning people. Last week I began preparing and cleaning a little early because I wanted to make sure I was not feeling rushed at the end. Everything was done very calmly but I still wish that I spent more time with the animals. Today I hope to spend at least an hour with the animals and an hour cleaning. I might have to speed up my cleaning slightly but I think it will be beneficial for the animals. This weekend I scheduled volunteering at a church in Coquitlam with the Hope for Freedom Society but did not realize I had work that morning. A challenge I had was needing to call the Director Andrea back and making sure to cancel my shift that morning to a different shift that evening.  

4.) What are you doing next and why? 

Next I will be participating in working at a church in Coquitlam making food and meals for the homeless. I have not worked with this organization in a long time and I am a little nervous to see how things have changed. I am also participating in two clubs both the UNICEF and Project HELLO. Like previously stated I also will be going on a trip on December 1st with a club I participate in (Project HELLO) where we will be visiting the downtown in order to help homeless individuals locate loved ones. Lately I have been looking into even more volunteering opportunities and I have been looking into things like the hospital, old folks homes and organizations like PLEA and even the Rotary Club because since working with my action I have found a strong passion for helping others and the community. Reading other people’s actions also motivates me and pushes me to do well and stay focused on my action.  

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1 Comment

  1. Hey Sienna!

    I really enjoyed reading your post – especially because of your involvement with the BCSPCA and Project HELLO. I’ve volunteered at the SPCA for about seven months now and I totally understand what you mean about finding the balance between spending time with the animals and completing other tasks. What I do to combat this is I switch back and forth between animal time and cleaning, so I will spend about 15-20 minutes doing each activity. I find myself to be much more productive this way.

    As for Project HELLO, it’s super encouraging for me to read about my own action post in someone else’s! I’m glad you are planning to join us for our first trip downtown and I can’t wait to read your thoughts about it afterwards. 🙂

    Overall, great job! I look forward to your next post!

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