
Project Inquiry 1 poaching

For my project Inquiry I am very interested in protecting all animals from poaching and trafficking. Animals do not deserve to be treated in such ways by humans just for the tusks or fur.

Question: what are some steps that everyone can do to help manage this? I am very interested in this topic. Animals across the world are being killed, taken and beaten by humans. These animals are strong and brave and live there lives doing what we do. Even though these animals are so strong and intelligent does not make them any match for a hunting rifle. They don’t even Geta change to fight for there survival they are killed instantly for only there tusks, fur, ivory and so much more. They leave the rest of the body to raught. There is minimal food for all people on earth and wast and kill such a beautiful animal just for some small part, is so awful.

Some things in this world will leave u starstruck, dumfounded. There will be no words to describe it and sometimes you don know this will happen, till it is right in front of you, Seeing a herd a elephants, a lion or tiger running at full speed, a family of gorillas, rhinos drinking water, it does not matter. when you see these wild animals in real life could amaze you. These wild animals already have to watch out for predators, find food to eat, and deal with the weather changes, like flooding, they should not need to worry about a hunter that could attack them in an instant. Most animals that come across a poacher do not survive. There are only a few that do but many who are found die later from disease.

In South Africa poacher had found a female rhino, they sedated her with a tranquilizer and hacked off her horns as well as part of her skull. They left her there to die in paint. Days later people had found her and did there best to save her life. she went through a 6 month surgery. This occurred in 2014. This week, the organization that saved her said she had passed in Nov 13. They believe that it was due to infection in her small intestine. She had lived a good life but you can still pass years later from it.

When we see these beautiful animals we can only say wow. I don’t believe when you have seen a wild one for the first time there is anything you know for sure what to say besides that. even though we know this, people still continue to hurt,kidnap, and kill these animals. Unfortunately poaching has rising expodentially in the last year. Those who do this is mostly people of there want to exotic and rare species, as well as money.  People know what is rare and what is liked throughout, this creates a valuable market place to sell such gorgeous animals.

Though many of the statistics are high and it might feel as though you are so far from these animals to help, you can defiantly help no matter how far away you are. That is what the butterfly effect is for. One small change can make a huge difference!

What can we do to help stop this?

  • Donates to organization, so they can buy the equipment needed to save these animals
  • help to make this known, so more people arounds you and the world can no what is going on
  • create a petition to declare poaching a National Disaster
  • Sign other petitions for ivory for elephant to enact wildlife protection polities, stop poaching tigers furs, make trafficking illegal were ever you live.
  • sign the world wildlife pledge that states you will never buy illegal animal produces and promote animals right.

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  1. Hi Simone, this was a very interesting post because it’s quite rare that I hear about animal trafficking and I’m glad to know there’s someone trying to bring awareness to this issue. I would love if you could also share how the government and international organizations can do something about this too.

    Thank you, Elisabet

  2. Hey Simone,
    Great research round on protection of animal trafficking and poaching. As you mentioned above, many animals are killed for specific parts of their body such as tusks on elephants or fur for jackets, and the rest of their body is left or discarded. It’s quite disheartening to think of your brand new jacket was made from another living creature and sadly many popular companies use animal parts within their products. Perhaps, in the future having an understanding on how companies are successful with using animal products and suggestions of alternative materials might be a small solution to a broad issue. For example, Canada Goose uses geese feathers to line their jackets as well as coyote ruffs for the hood of their jackets. By changing their materials to more sustainable ones, you can potentially save 2 species from death for a jacket. Anyways here are links for other larger companies / countries that use animals fur for their own benefit.

    I look forward to reading your next round:)

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