
Gender disparities in Kenya education

Hello butterfly it has been long since I posted but today I did a research on gender disparities in Kenya education and there it is.
yan education
Gender disparities in Kenyan education are
the differences in outcomes observed between
different sexes in the Republic of Kenya.
Specifically, gender disparities allude to one
sex being disadvantaged over the other in
experiences and outcomes. Education
disparities can be seen in different enrollment
rates, dropout rates, and survival rates among
the sexes. Often these phenomena happen
Gender disparities in education can also include
a difference in the quality of education
received. In Kenya, gender disparities in
education may be created or perpetuated by
policy, ethnicity, region, religion, and age.
Overall performances and transition rates
Enrollment in education has greatly increased
in Kenya over the years. During the last two
decades of colonial rule, 1943–1963, it is
estimated that girls took up just 25% of all
children enrolled in the workforce. In 1953,
only one woman, or 6% of all students,
achieved post-secondary education.[1] Since
then, according to a UNICEF study, enrollment
has increased and the gender gap has reduced
in size. UNICEF estimates as of 2012, 83.2% of
youth (ages 15–24), are literate.[2] In 1973, the
girls made up only 43% of total primary school
enrollment. In the educationally advanced
districts, this proportion was close to 50%,
while in the districts in the pastoral areas and
coast province it was below 32%.[3]
UNICEF states females actually show slightly
higher enrollment than males in primary
school, 84.5% enrollment compared to 83.5%
for boys. In addition, overall survival rate to
the last year of primary school is a high 96.1%.
[2] However the relationship between male and
female enrollment switches and widens in
secondary education. In secondary school,
51.6% of enrolled students are male and
48.4% are female. UNICEF reports that the
greatest gender disparity exists among the
poorest quintile group of Kenya, with
attendance rates being 33.1% and 25% for
males and females respectively.[4] What is very
clear is that there is a distinct difference in
rates of enrollment for females in certain
districts, with the highest district, Kirinyaga
enrolling 51.8% of its girls in school and the
lowest district, Wajir, only enrolling 13.9% of
its girls.[1]
Regional and ethnic disparities
The demographics of Kenya include are over 43
ethnic tribes. In recent years, violent ethnic
conflict has come to the attention of the media
especially because of the 2007-08 Kenyan
crisis, however it is believed by many that this
violence represents a larger problem in Kenya:
uneven and combined development that leads
to uneven resources and outcomes among its
ethnic groups. Kenyan regions were
determined by the British Empire during
colonization to reflect ethnic differences, and
enrollment in different levels of education
varies by region as a result.[5] Regional
differentiation has been linked to uneven
capitalist development that occurred in Kenya
in the first half of the twentieth century.[3]
Some regions were chosen as central regions,
and periphery regions were given different,
lesser functional roles, resulting in different
outcomes and accentuating ethnic difference.
[3] This regional differentiation, meant to
create a class of capitalist farmers to replace
the peasants during colonization, created
disparities between the rural workers and the
poorest marginal group.[3]
History of ethnic and regional disparities
Before 1900, Christian Missionaries set up
schools mostly along the east coast of Kenya,
before swiftly moving inland. The main
missionary settlements were in the present
Central Province (Kenya), Eastern Province
(Kenya), Western Province (Kenya), and Nyanza
Province, particularly in the Central and
Western Province; there were very few
settlements in the Rift Valley Province and
parts of Coast Province.[3] This lowered
concentration of schools in these districts
continued over the decades.

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