
Action Post #2

Hey everyone! This is my second action post of the year, and I’m so excited to update you all about how it’s going so far.

If you look under the tab, “Action Instructions,” it describes how this post should give a step-by-step plan to accomplish my goal and to give myself a deadline. Since my action project is based around a club I already lead, I don’t truly have a step-by-step plan or a deadline. However, the club has been up and running for a couple of weeks and we have quite a few activities in the works, so I thought it would be nice to explain how it’s going and what I’ve been up to.

Club Day

Club Day marked the true start of Project HELLO. For my non-CBSS students, Club Day is a day near the beginning of the year where each club at school sets up a table with the goal to inform others about their mission and to recruit new members. It was my job to find previous members to oversee our table throughout the day, set up and take down the table itself, and deal with any complications that could arise throughout the day. Fortunately, everything ran very smoothly and we were able to gather over sixty sign-ups; however, every club leader knows that not everyone who signs up actually shows up. Nevertheless, I was extremely happy because even if only half of these students came to our meeting the following week, we would still have a solid group.

A photo of our table on Club Day!

The Meetings

Our first meeting went great! It served as a way for my Vice President and I to introduce ourselves to this year’s group and as a general introduction to what our goals are as a club. It only took about 5-10 minutes which is the length of our meetings usually. As expected, not everyone who signed up came to our meeting, but I’d say there were about thirty students present which is still amazing. As for our second meeting, I actually wasn’t able to be present, so I delegated the task of leadership to my VP. I instructed her to discuss the planning of our first trip with the group and determine dates and sign-ups. Lastly, for our meeting next week, we will be planning our first fundraiser of the year! So far, the group seems to be very enthusiastic and excited to participate which is really encouraging to see.

A photo of one of our fundraisers last year!

Our First Trip

As of now, our first trip is set to be on Sunday, November 24th and we have 15 sign-ups. My job now is to find enough parent/teacher drivers to chaperone the group, explain how exactly the trips downtown work/what we do, and gather sign-ups for the week of research that follows the trip. For those who don’t know, Project HELLO has one week of research after school after every trip downtown to determine the exact addresses of the letters we receive. This way, we are able to reconnect more families. Additionally, I also have to buy and embroider toques (using money gathered from last year’s fundraisers) for each member to wear during the trips. I also usually ask for each person coming to bring at least one thing to give away – whether that be a box of granola bars or a pair of gloves, so I will go over this with my group as well. I will make sure to keep you all updated about our trip and it’s details as it comes closer!

For those of you interested in keeping a closer eye on the club or even joining, feel free to follow our Instagram account @projecthello_ to know more about the ins and outs of our actions.

Like I mentioned above, it is difficult to pinpoint a deadline to complete my goals with this club as it continues throughout the year. However, I believe with the completion of our first trip and fundraiser, we will definitely be one step closer to helping reach my UN Sustainable Development Goal.

That’s all for now! Feel free to leave me any feedback or suggestions in the comments below!

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