
About Me – Heeva

Hey everyone!

My name is Heeva Chavoshi, I am a grade 12 at Dr Charles Best Secondary School, and this is my fourth year on this fantastic website!

I am an Iranian-Canadian who loves travelling, learning, and experiencing as much of the world as I can. Some of my favourite memories are from travelling – whether that be on a relaxing vacation with my parents or on an educational trip with my school. This coming spring, I will be joining thirty other Charles Best students on a trip to Senegal and I am extremely excited! I would confidently say that travelling is a strong passion of mine.

A photo of my friends and I in France on a school trip this year.

One thing that may surprise you about me is that I used to live in San Diego, California. Although I was born in Vancouver, my family and I moved to the United States when I was six years old. I spent almost all of elementary school there and moved back to Vancouver just in time to start grade five. Although I love San Diego’s sunny weather and white sand beaches, British Columbia is my home. 🙂

Community is something that is very important to me. I try my hardest to be involved in the evolution and upbringing of my own community through school clubs, fundraisers, and volunteering. I currently lead two clubs at my secondary school and volunteer at my local hospital and animal shelter. These activities have allowed me to grow and give back to my community which I am truly thankful for.

This year, I will be focusing on an Action Project instead of an inquiry project. I strongly agree and believe in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals the United Nations have put forth and I am excited to do my part and contribute towards them.

That’s all for now! I hope you learned something interesting about me and I can’t wait to get to know you!

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