
Nancy Wanjiru

My name is Nancy. I am 16 years old .I live in   Matanya which is in Laikipia County in Kenya.

I school at St. Monica Munyaka Girls Secondary School. My favorite   subject is Mathematics .My talent is running. I have one brother and three sisters. I am the fourth born.

My passion is to be a Criminal Investigator. In my family every holiday we have a family gathering and we enjoy and share a lot among ourselves .My strongest attribute is to be the best I can and inspire others so that they also prosper

In my community I could solve the problem of water shortage and poor roads by mobilizing for funds. This is because we suffer due to lack of water and poor roads network   .My hero is the PA-MOJA group for their enormous support of paying my school fees because if it were not for them I would have dropped out of school due to lack of school fees. May Almighty God bless them every moment of their live.



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1 Comment

  1. Hi Nancy! How are you? Your About Me is very inspiring and I love that you want to be a Criminal Investigator that would be such an amazing job and I bet you would be great at it! I’m also 16 and love running, do you think you’re better at sprinting or long-distance? Both are a lot of fun. I hope school and math are going good for you! I’m so excited to learn more about you and hopefully you learn about me.
    Until we talk again, I hope you have an amazing day!

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