I am Marianne, AKA Annelina Maish, a lady schooling at Bakhita Gataragwa girls. I am almost coming to the end of the 4 years course. I live in Laikipia Kenya. I am a lady of mathematics and physics. I am gifted in playing piano and drum set. I like spending my free time at my Grandmother’s home since I learn more old stories and traditional songs of which I am passionate about. I also love singing and writing songs. I consider a best friend as anyone who cares, protects and stands with me at all seasons. I don’t look at the outlook for even the icing on the cake doesn’t change the inner content of the cake. Volleyball is my game and throwing javelin as well. I like sleeping when I feel like relaxing. Professor Wangari Mathai stands as my heroin. I always aim at maintaining a clean and attractive environment.
I joined this organization since grade 9 and by the help of Butterfly and God’s grace we have worked together up to today. I appreciate Pa-Moja and I am much determined to work hard such that one day I will have my own organization that will help other needy children.
Hi Marianne!
I so enjoyed reading about you, you are so talented in so many things!
I find your line about the cake so beautiful and is so true!
I am so interested and excited that you have a goal to own an organization that will help other children. What made you passionate about this?
Speak soon,