
“Be The Change” You Want to See in the World

PA-MOJA Butterfly Effect is taking the challenge encouraging our students to make teams across continents and work together on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This “Be the Change” initiative provides an opportunity for us all to work together. Click the image below to learn more about the challenge!

September 25, 2015 194 countries came together at United Nations to identify these 17 Sustainable Development Goals with a challenge. Sean Robinson, teacher and author (Connections-Based Learning) in Coquitlam School District declares, “These goals are not for countries; they are for individuals. How are these goals going to be achieved if they are not worked at by the hundreds of million students in school?”

This is the Butterfly Effect. It is you. It is me. It is us.

One idea. One action. Together.


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