
Blog Post #1 Inquiry Project – How does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?

For my project, I decided to research the question “How does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?” This question is of interest to me as because I believe that social media often tends to have negative effects on many teenage girls, and […]

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About Me-Mahdiya

Hi everyone! My name is Mahdiya Adnan and I am a grade 12 student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary in BC, Canada. This is my fourth year taking this Social Responsibility class. I am 17 years old and my favourite subject is English 12 because I love to write. I […]

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About me

Hi everybody! My name is Parmis Deishidi and I am 14 years old. I am attending Charles Best Secondary School. English is my favourite subject because I love creative writing. I can speak 2 languages fluently, and two I am currently learning. I can speak Persian and English fluently while […]

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About Me – Amy

Hello everyone! My name Amy Zhang, or Zhang Aimi. One thing about me that surprises others is that my  name has the same pronunciation and meaning in both the languages I speak. The meaning, in case you were wondering, is “loved by all around the world” which is slightly ironic considering […]

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About Me

My name is Ishani Balachandran, and I am a 15-year-old grade 10 student attending Charles Best Secondary. I currently live in Coquitlam, BC, with my parents and older sister. My favourite subjects at school are either English or Social Studies, as they share many similarities, and I enjoy expressing my […]

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About me

By Laura Hey! My name is Laura on the birth certificate, and I go by this name as well. My dad was obsessed with a character from Little House on the Prairie: Laura Ingalls Wilder. That’s how I was named. Not very cool. I think she was a white woman. […]

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About me – Zoe

Hi! My name is Zoe Popa. I’m a grade 9 student at École Dr. Charles Best Secondary School, which is in Coquitlam, BC, Canada. My favorite subject is usually art, but I don’t have it this year so it’s math. My family is from Romania. I speak Romanian, English, and […]

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BLOG#2″How can advancements in airplane design and technology enhance fuel efficiency without compromising passenger comfort and safety?

From initial concept, engineers are working out how to make new aircraft more efficient. In fact, aviation is one of the most technologically advanced and innovative sectors in the world. Unlike ground vehicles, which don’t need to be as fuel efficient because they can refuel often, long-distance aircraft must carry […]

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BLOG#2: How does air pollution lead to destruction of ozone layer?

 The ozone layer is a region in the earth’s stratosphere that contains high concentrations of ozone and protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun. Air pollution occurs in many forms but can generally be thought of as gaseous and particulate contaminants that are present in the earth’s […]

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BLOG#2: “How can advancements in transportation technology contribute to reducing environmental impact while enhancing global connectivity?”

The urgency to address the climate crisis is paramount as global focus intensifies. The transport sector, a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, stands at the cusp of a sustainable transformation. To limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as outlined in international climate goals, the transport sector, accounting […]

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BLOG#2 How can advancements in battery technology improve the efficiency and sustainability of electric vehicles?

Most electric vehicles today are powered by lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, a technology that has been the standard for several years due to its balance of energy density, efficiency, and relatively long cycle life. Here’s an overview of key aspects of current EV battery technology.  The energy capacity of EV batteries is […]

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BLOG#1 What are the potential economic opportunities associated with space exploration, such as asteroid mining and space tourism, and how might they impact the society?

One of the most immediate and tangible economic benefits derived from space exploration is the advancement of technology. Research and development activities aimed at solving complex problems in space often lead to new technologies that find applications in other sectors. For instance, the development of lightweight materials for spacecraft has had implications […]

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BLOG#3: In what ways has the evolution of communication technology shaped the course of human history? The importance of communication technology in crisis response and human aid

Hallo again guys for my third round of research I will research on the importance of communication technology in crisis response and human aid. The evolution of communication technology has revolutionized the landscape of crisis response and humanitarian aid, fundamentally altering how organizations and governments manage disasters worldwide. From natural […]

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Reflection -Blog #7

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?One of my challenges in this inquiry project was that I had trouble finding enough information for my second round of research. The second round of research was on How much influence the […]

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BLOG#1 What are the potential economics opportunities associated with space exploration, such as asteroid mining and space tourism, and how might they impact the society?

Hey guys, Investigating the economic prospects of space exploration, particularly through ventures like asteroid mining and space tourism, unveils a frontier ripe with potential. These nascent industries not only promise substantial financial gains but also hold transformative implications for society at large. This inquiry delves into the multifaceted impacts of […]

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BLOG#1: “How can advancements in transportation technology contribute to reducing environmental impact while enhancing global connectivity?”

Advancements in transportation technology have the potential to revolutionize both environmental sustainability and global connectivity. By innovating cleaner energy sources, optimizing vehicle efficiency, and improving infrastructure, these advancements aim to mitigate environmental impacts such as carbon emissions while fostering greater global integration through faster, more efficient travel networks. This inquiry […]

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BLOG#1:How can advancements in battery technology improve the efficiency and sustainability of electric vehicles?

Hey guys, hope you are good. Today I am starting my round 1 research on car batteries. Advancements in battery technology hold a pivotal role in shaping the efficiency and sustainability of electric vehicles (EVs) in our modern era. As global efforts intensify to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance […]

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BLOG#1: How does air pollution lead to destruction of ozone layer?

Hey everyone I am starting my blog#1 today and will be about air pollution. Air pollution, particularly from human activities, has been linked to significant environmental concerns, including the degradation of the ozone layer. Understanding the mechanisms through which air pollution contributes to this destruction is crucial for assessing its […]

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BLOG#1: “How can advancements in airplane design and technology enhance fuel efficiency without compromising passenger comfort and safety?”

Hey guys I am excited to start my round 1 today. Advancements in airplane design and technology have continuously pushed the boundaries of efficiency, aiming to reconcile the often conflicting goals of reducing fuel consumption while maintaining passenger comfort and safety. As global concerns over environmental impact grow and operational […]

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Blog Post #7: As a society, why do we revert to past trends?

Blog #7: ReflectionAddress the following questions:a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? Throughout my inquiry project, I had two main struggles that I had to overcome while researching. Firstly, my topic of choice for my inquiry research is a very […]

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Hi, this is my final blog post about my journey working on my inquiry project about how foods affect your body. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?During my inquiry project, my main issue was that there are so many […]

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Blog post 7: How do people gain respect from others, and the effects of culture on how one gains respect?

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog post 7, where I will be answering questions about my inquiry project. a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? I had a lot of trouble researching the differences in respect between countries, as there […]

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Step 7 Blog Post- Metamorphosis (Reflection) – Combatting food insecurity in my community

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this action project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?  I discussed some of these challenges in my blog posts. One major challenge I faced during this action project was falling ill when I was scheduled to volunteer. Unfortunately, there was no […]

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Blog #7 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

In my last blog post for this school year I will be reflecting on the research I have conducted and the information and lessons I have learned. 2. This inquiry reinstated my love and appreciation for team sports. I learned more about the affect team sports can have on children […]

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Blog Post #7 – How Does Physical Activity and Nutrition Impact Individual Brain Chemistry?

This topic is one in which I have shown increasing interest in over the years. I am fascinated by the idea of movement and fuel working simultaneously to sharpen cognitive abilities, and overall functioning as a human being. I look forward to implementing some of my findings into my own […]

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Blog Post 7

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this story project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? I experienced challenges like actually writing part of a speech for Faye to recite. I wanted to depict something realistically related to youth crime, and it was kind of hard to link youth […]

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Blog post #7- Reflection: How does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment?

Blog #7: Reflection 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Firstly, a challenge I overcame was finding accurate and reliable sources. For example, I conquered this challenge by using the sheet Ms. Martin gave […]

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Blog #7: Reflection

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? One of the primary challenges was accessing a diverse range of scholarly sources for the literature review. To overcome this, I utilized academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and university library resources […]

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Blog post #5 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

The last subtopic I will be examining is the social aspects of team sports involvement and its impact on children’s social skills, interpersonal relationships, and communication abilities. I will investigate how teamwork, cooperation, and peer interaction within a sports setting contribute to children’s social development. Analyzing these social dynamics will […]

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Blog Post 5 how to eliminate radicalization without giving up on political outlets

With the last talk on what radicalization in politics actually are, I would now like to talk about how to avoid radical politics. This is probably the hardest step in every persons quest to become informed on socioeconomical politics. However, after a lot of review I feel like I have […]

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Blog post 5: How do people gain respect from others, and the effects of culture on how one gains respect?

Hello everyone, this is my fifth blog post for my inquiry project, and my inquiry question is “How do people gain respect from others, and the effects of culture on how one gains respect.” This is my last round of research, and I will be researching and summarizing how to […]

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Blog Post #5 What can be done about the negative effects of urbanization?

Hello and welcome back to my blog post featuring my final round of research on the topic of what can be done and possible solutions for the negative effects of urbanization. Finding a solution for urbanization is important for the sustainability of our environment for future generations. In this blog […]

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Blog Post #5 – What is the most evolutionarily suitable diet for longevity of the brain? What does diet culture disinformation say about capitalism as a whole?

Inquiry Question: How Does Physical Activity and Nutrition Impact Individual Brain Chemistry? Research Step 3 – What is the most evolutionarily suitable diet for longevity of the brain? What does diet culture disinformation say about capitalism as a whole? The toxicity of diet culture as a whole affects every generation […]

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Blog Post #5: How is innocent until proven guilty used in the Canadian legal system?

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today I will be completing my final round of research and I’m excited for this project to come to a conclusion. In today’s post, I plan to research: how does this concept protect individuals in the legal system whether they are guilty […]

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Blog Post #5 – What are some study methods and habits that will help us better focus and recall information in school?

Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog post. Today I will be writing my final blog post for this inquiry project and researching some ways students can find the best study methods that fit their own individual need. Since there are so many different studying practices that promote memory recall, […]

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Blog Post #5: Story

Smile as pretty as a poison apple Faye sat at her desk, scrolling through her presentation slides. It was the end of the semester, and the students of Law 12 had been assigned a semester-end presentation project based on what they learned. While bullying wasn’t directly in the curriculum, its […]

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Blog Post #5 – How do different types of environments (urban, rural, natural) affect well-being?

Hi everyone, and welcome to my Blog. Previously, we looked into the roles of social interactions and their impact on well-being, along with how changes in the environment can impact well being, both these questions help us understand how different environmental factors impact our overall well-being. To wrap things up, […]

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Blog Post #5: Is there a difference in well-being between individuals in the family that can be compared, depending on their birth order?

Hello! For my third round of research I will be digging into the roles of different members within a family. One of the major factors that I wanted to learn more about was birth order. This is because birth order has shown to affect personality and behaviours; therefore, I wanted […]

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